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About working4it

  • Birthday 12/02/1970

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  • From
    Charlotte, NC
  • Porsche Club
  • Present cars
    Cayenne S
    CLK320 Soft top (cab)

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  1. Sent you a pm regarding procedure for alternator swap on 04 CTT

  2. Hello, if everyone read my earlier post about losing the lug key I had to use an easy out bolt remover to get them out. Does anyone know the size? I listed the part # below. but it doesnt have the size specs. Does anyone know the vw equivalent #? My local dealer wants $12 +tax each.
  3. Its funny the other lugs do not have any rust but this one does...
  4. Well...I used an easy out type bolt remover http://www.amazon.com/Astro-7402-Damaged-Removal-2-Piece/dp/B009OXJCIU/ref=sr_1_15?ie=UTF8&qid=1396909760&sr=8-15&keywords=lug+nut+remover 3 of them came out fairly easy but one was on so tight we had to use a metal tube on top of the 2ft breaker bar. Now I have to find a replacement lug set.
  5. I understand the purpose and am not trying to be disrespectful but an actual owner should be able to go to a dealer and buy a replacement lug key without having to be taken to the cleaners. I just tried calling the dealer back and suggested what PERF did and they said "Absolutely not, there is too much liability". "You have to bring it in and we will replace all lugs and install new ones" One hour of service plus lugs. He quoted me a different price which is now $348. I told him I spoke with a person yesterday for $298. He said I was quoted incorrectly
  6. Need your thoughts and help. Lost my lug key. Called the local dealer they won't sell me the key, they will sell a complete set of lugs with new key with uninstall/install for a price $298. Are you kidding me. anyone know how to get this lug out?
  7. Here is the code from Durametric P2186 Throttle/Pedal Pos. Sensor/Switch D/E voltage correlation-implausible signal, test conditions are not complete fault is currently active and is not causing a DTC light.
  8. Need everyones thought on this one. My04 S. Over time my idle rpm starts to drop and pulse when stopped. eventually it will throw a PSM and using Durametric I have P2186 Throttle body sensor. I cleaned the throttle body, cleared the codes and she purrs like a kitten. Slowly day after day she will start to drop rpm coming to stop and start the whole cycle again. it takes 3 to 4 weeks. I have checked throttle body, coils, plugs, fuel rail. I don't know what else to check?
  9. I had a new gremlin pop its head. Airbag fault message on my '04 S. Pulled the code with Durametric and code 1217 came up. Checked Renntech and wouldnt you know it this is a common issue with a TSB 9/04 6963. So I went to work following the TSB and its now gone. Steps Disconnect Negative battery cable Discounnect wiring harness connectors to seat (includes airbag yellow connectors) Unbolt/remove seatbelt harness Unbolt seat and remove Turn seat upside down Follow tsb and find the two wire connector black and blue wires Clip wires Solder blue to blue and Solder Black to black Shrinkwrap and zip tie back together Reverse and put seat back in Cayenne Link to TSB http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=download&do=confirm_download&id=839 I forgot to take a picture so i attached the one I used for reference from a post at Pelican
  10. Wow...I have version 09. I couldn't believe they are up to 20
  11. It seems like the reasonable thing to do since it ran smooth for a bit. What version of coils? I believe they are now at 09 or 10(last 2 digits) anything older or shows any cracks replace them all. Many of us got them from Suncoastparts.com
  12. Just picked up some OEM Bosch Wiper blades from Amazon for $37 for the pair. Thought its a pretty good price http://www.amazon.com/Bosch-3397118942-Equipment-Replacement-Bracketless/dp/B00141O2M6/ref=sr_1_1?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1387084649&sr=1-1&keywords=3397118942
  13. Hello All, my PSM is back on my '04 S. I cleared the codes, disconnected the negative battery cable and PSM comes back after about a day or so. No CEL on only PSM. Error codes P2186 Throttle/Pedal Pos. Sensor/Switch D/E voltage correlation-implausible signal, test conditions are not complete fault is currently active and is not causing a DTC light. P2174 Throttle/Pedal Pos. Sensor/Switch E circuit-implausible signal, test conditions are not complete fault is currently active and is not causing a DTC light. 470 CAN 1314 DME Some background...the first time this error code came up i checked the enging throttle body, cleaned it and made sure all connections were secure. Additionally i replaced both batteries last summer. Now what should I check/replace?
  14. I have never experienced this before but all Cayennes are AWD vehicles. The first thing I would do is disconnect the negative cable for a few minutes. The black cable runs from the battery under the drivers seat to a ground bolt on the floor. Lift of the carpet just in front of the front seat and you can see the bolt and black cable.
  15. Thanks Loren, I just plugged the car in again and now I have a 470 and 1314 DME Control module error. No other errors. I am going to clear them, take it out for test drive and recheck again....The last repair was the cam sensor and left turn signal bulb.
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