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Does anyone have instuctions or can anyone help me find a TSB on removing the rag top. I am taking mine off to have a new window sewn in and can not seem to find directions on how to do this. I would like to be able to print them out so I can give them to the man that is doing the work at alocal cover shop. Yuo can email them to me if you don't mind.



I alomost forgot my car is a 2000 996 Cabriolet C4

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That information is not in a TSB - it is in the service manual. You will also need someone with a PST2 (or PIWIS) to re-calibrate the new top. I have re-calibrated a top once - it took about 2 minutes.

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Does anyone have instuctions or can anyone help me find a TSB on removing the rag top. I am taking mine off to have a new window sewn in and can not seem to find directions on how to do this. I would like to be able to print them out so I can give them to the man that is doing the work at alocal cover shop. Yuo can email them to me if you don't mind.

I would strongly urge you to use someone who does not need you to supply him with directions for the work. I watched some of the work on mine, and it was quite complex. I would not entrust the job to anyone who was not well familar with it. After consulting two generic upholstery/top shops, I went straight to a dealer to get a recommendation .... upon the advice of the two guys I first consulted.

The quality of the reinstallation after repair will have a much more direct effect on your enjoyment of the car than the new plastic window. One has only to stand and watch a 996 top cycle down and up to appreciate all that is going on there.


ditto, upholstery shop are mostly shady and craftsmanship really varies. get recommendation from dealer but take it with a grain of salt. the top needs to be aligned well there is a lot of braces, parts that you don't see when installed. if not adjusted and installed right, yours can rattle and the shop would not know how to address it.


Don't EVEN try this yourself. I took my cab to an Independent shop recommended by my dealer and most of the Porsche "know it alls" in my area. To make a long story short they screwed it up big time. You should have the dealer do any install. It will cost you more but you will be much happier and have no headaches because dealers usually have one or two guys who install all their tops. Experience is key when installing these tops. They are very complicated and if you mess something up VERY expensive to fix.


So far so good on getting local guy to sew me in a new rear window. They had the top off and rear window sewn in this morning when I dropped by. The guy doing the work said it was one of the more simple tops he had ever done. Said the top and headliner came right off, No need to remove any of the supports or anything. Can't imagine how this could effect top function as the skeleton will not need to be removed so all should be as good as it was when I took it to him. really looking forward to having a clear backwindoe that isn't all discolored. I think I will get out of this for 300-400 bucks. Can't imagine why some have had to go through so much trouble to make a hard job out of something that is so simple.

The shop is a good ole boy, but he makes tops for the Kyser car clubs from scratch and those guys send him cars from all over the country. He had one in that he was building while I was thier and for a 250k-300k car it sure is beautiful. The tops he is making for them are amazing. Replicated down to the threads per inch and using original materials.

I am so happy not to have had to drop a load on a new top :clapping:

Will let you know how it finishes out.

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