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I noticed you didn't completely remove the wheel well liners. Why? and you imply you just pulled them back with twine. How far did you losen them.

Also which jack point did you use to jack the car up and where did you put the jack stands. while I've put the car up on a jack, I've never used jack stands with it. I guess I could use my floor jack on one side and the porsche spare tire jack on the other....

  • Admin

I only pulled the wheel liners back far enough to get easy access to the radiators. You could take them all the way off.

I jacked the car from the rear jack point with a lift that went high enough to raise the front off the ground also. I would definitely use jack stands - they are safer than any jack. I usually use jack stands and leave the jack under one point just in case the car falls (earthquake or pulling too hard on a tight bolt).

I only pulled the wheel liners back far enough to get easy access to the radiators. You could take them all the way off.

I jacked the car from the rear jack point with a lift that went high enough to raise the front off the ground also. I would definitely use jack stands - they are safer than any jack. I usually use jack stands and leave the jack under one point just in case the car falls (earthquake or pulling too hard on a tight bolt).

So here's the procedure...

Put the jack under rear point and start jacking it up. Start to Remove the front wheel while it's still on the ground and remove it just as you come off so you don't scratch the caliper. Then jack the rest of the way up and put a stand under the front side jack point. Then repeat for the other side correct?

  • 1 month later...

I used Rhino ramps instead, so I never removed the wheels when I installed mine. Instead, I did remove the front part of the wheel liners (2 screws and 4 plugs) to get enough clearance.


Loren, I too have a question about the 3rd radiaor install. On the other hand, it is more about reinstalling the front clip. Thanks to your directions, my buddy Jeff (who you also talked to about this) and I were able to complete the install. Now comes the daunting part of putting everything back together and I really do not want extra parts.

The only thing I am concerned about is which parts should go one first and which parts should go last? Also, which nuts and bolts go where? Any help on this would (again) be greatly appreciated. Thanks Loren!

  • Admin
Loren, I too have a question about the 3rd radiaor install. On the other hand, it is more about reinstalling the front clip. Thanks to your directions, my buddy Jeff (who you also talked to about this) and I were able to complete the install. Now comes the daunting part of putting everything back together and I really do not want extra parts.

The only thing I am concerned about is which parts should go one first and which parts should go last? Also, which nuts and bolts go where? Any help on this would (again) be greatly appreciated. Thanks Loren!

Which parts exactly - reassembly is just a reverse of the disassembly. Ducts go on first then the front bumper cover etc., etc.
  • 1 month later...

I can't understand why Porsche don't replace the coolant in the whole life of a water-cooled

If you listen to any mechanic, everybody say that it would be replaced every 2 years at least

One friend of mine has suffered a breakdown because of the dirty coolant

¿what do you think about it?

  • Admin

The Porsche Carrera service manual says:

The engine cooling system is factory-filled with a coolant which does not need to be changed. The coolant should not be mixed with other coolants.

Only Original Porsche anti-freeze should be used when changing or topping up the coolant.

The coolant system is a closed system - so if the your friends coolant was dirty then something got into it and contaminated it.

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