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I have a 99' 996. Recently, I noticed that if I just brush the airbag/horn pad on my sterring wheel, the horn blows. Now it has become even more sensitive, and certain bumps will cause the horn to beep. :eek: It has to be something behind with the airbag/horn pad on the steering wheel.

1) Any ideas as to the cause? My first thought is that the horn switch spring (?) is growing weak.

2) How hard is it to pull the airbag/horn pad to take a look?

Thanks. :clapping:



I had this problem identified during my PPI, and the mechanic said that their is a spring plate or something of that nature that has just weakened....I think he mentioned it was around an $80 part and a simple fix...

The previous owner put a rigged up spaced between the horn to keep it pushed out for now untill he could fix it...Well he never did so now its my job to do that


I have a 99' 996. Recently, I noticed that if I just brush the airbag/horn pad on my sterring wheel, the horn blows. Now it has become even more sensitive, and certain bumps will cause the horn to beep. :eek: It has to be something behind with the airbag/horn pad on the steering wheel.

1) Any ideas as to the cause? My first thought is that the horn switch spring (?) is growing weak.

2) How hard is it to pull the airbag/horn pad to take a look?

Thanks. :clapping:


I had the same problem on my 99 C2. I'll bet the ranch that the bushings in the 4 spoke frame are shot. The Part number is 993 347 088 01. Retail $65 - I paid $47 from Sunset. Its a relatively easy fix, just follow the instructions in kabel's post (link) to remove the airbag.

One extra note not covered is how to remove the air bag power connector from the steering column. Just pop off the yellow plug from underneath with a flat head screwdriver. Good luck.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have a 99' 996. Recently, I noticed that if I just brush the airbag/horn pad on my sterring wheel, the horn blows. Now it has become even more sensitive, and certain bumps will cause the horn to beep. :eek: It has to be something behind with the airbag/horn pad on the steering wheel.

1) Any ideas as to the cause? My first thought is that the horn switch spring (?) is growing weak.

2) How hard is it to pull the airbag/horn pad to take a look?

Thanks. :clapping:


I had the same problem on my 99 C2. I'll bet the ranch that the bushings in the 4 spoke frame are shot. The Part number is 993 347 088 01. Retail $65 - I paid $47 from Sunset. Its a relatively easy fix, just follow the instructions in kabel's post (link) to remove the airbag.

One extra note not covered is how to remove the air bag power connector from the steering column. Just pop off the yellow plug from underneath with a flat head screwdriver. Good luck.

I also had this problem in my 99 C2. Since I haven't had time to do a real fix, you may consider my method: folding a parking lot pass over itself several times and shoving it in behind the horn pad to space it off on the side where the bushing is weak. Ghetto, yeah, but your horn won't blow after every bump or hard turn! :)

I also had this problem in my 99 C2. Since I haven't had time to do a real fix, you may consider my method: folding a parking lot pass over itself several times and shoving it in behind the horn pad to space it off on the side where the bushing is weak. Ghetto, yeah, but your horn won't blow after every bump or hard turn! :)

Funny! I had to do the same thing while I waited for the parts to arrive. My car got so bad that the horn would honk every time I hit the brakes. It was really pi....ing off the drivers in front of me when I approached a red light. Ghetto fix - lol!


Thanks for all of the info and suggestions. I took it apart and used a combination of the rubber o-ring fix, and the RTV sealant fix. It no longer beeps at the drop of a hat, but the lower corners are too hard to activate the horn, but the top 2 are about right.

But......my new problem is the airbag light. My car was sideways in the garage while I was working on it, and I needed to move the car so my wife's suv could be parked in the garage. So, with the airbag disconnected, I reattached the negative battery cable, started the car and moved the car to its proper place in the garage. Now, once reassembled, with the airbag plugged in, the red airbag light is glaring at me! Argh! :cursing:

I presume from the above sequence that when I started the car without the airbag plugged in, it freaked out the computer and it is now reporting an airbag error.

So, do I need to go to my local dealer to simply turn off that light? Is there some other way to make it go away???? If I have to go to the dealer, do you think they are going to want to do an entire diagnostic and chanrge big $$$? Can I just buy an OBDII reader and reset that error code?

I know, I know, lots of questions......but I've traded the psycho horn for the glaring red light!



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