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I recently bought a 03 996 cab still under factory warranty. The hood sticker list an Option 537, which I understand ot to be '537 Left seat with positrol and lumbar". No Option 538 (right seat lumbar) though.

When I looked at the left seat control, there is a bank provisioned for THREE switches but only two are there (apt and recline) but where the lumbar support switch is supposed to be there is only a blank insert.

Porsche insisited their record shows no such option. I took the switch blank cover off and took two pictures, attached. I see a "crown shaped plastic piece on the circuit board of the left seat, not on the right seat.

1. What happened, if you were to guess?

2. Can I buy an switch and plug/solder it on?

3. How can one tell from the seat part number whether lumbar motors are there?

What is reasonable to ask of Porsche?



Tell me which items numbers you need and I will look up the part numbers and prices.


Loren, thx for the schematic. My problem is I can't tell what parts are INSIDE the seat without taking it apart. I probably will have to disassemble seat to answer that question.

In your diagram, do you know which parts are unique only to Option 537 that the base sports seat does not have?

Thx again.


This is a good question. The option 537 if you look at the Online Docs Menu, Option Codes Lookup, it shows option 537. The description is


This is a good question. The option 537 if you look at the Online Docs Menu, Option Codes Lookup, it shows option 537. The description is



I have it, but never bothered to check to see what the heck it is as an option. Let me know what you find out, can benefit more of us.





If I understand correctly, items 1 and 8 are needed to be added to use the lumbar? What about 16, the actual adjustment knob? Thank you


Sorry, there is a left and right switch panel Item 9.


I'm still confused. From what I can see without taking the seat apart, I have item 9 but not 16 (which I take is a switch). In 16's place, there is a flat black plastic cover. I cannot tell whether any of the other parts are there. I took the switch panel out and looked at the back, and can't figure it out.


do you have a blow-up diagram of the switch, #16?


can you pop your cover and take a pic?


i have this same option on my car that I just bought a few months ago and always wondered where the lumbar control was. I have that same black cover in the same spot behind the other seat controls. I will pop mine off tomorrow and see what is under there.


2000 996 cab

Posted (edited)

David, mine looks exactly like yours. I am not sure know exactly what the 537option is. If it is lumbar support, why isn't there an adjustment knob or button? The owners manual shows a button for lumbar support adjustment. So what is the purpose of the option without the ability to adjust?

I got to pick up some parts at the dealer later this week, will see if they can shine a light on the subject. Hopefully I won't get the same answer you got at your dealer!


Edited by izzyandsue
David, mine looks exactly like yours. I am not sure know exactly what the 537option is. If it is lumbar support, why isn't there an adjustment knob or button? The owners manual shows a button for lumbar support adjustment. So what is the purpose of the option without the ability to adjust?

I got to pick up some parts at the dealer later this week, will see if they can shine a light on the subject. Hopefully I won't get the same answer you got at your dealer!



It is my understanding that after designing the 996 power seat to have power lumbar support, Porsche quickly discontinued this feature, and ceased installing the control (hence, the blank cover on the seat side) .... due to the system being frought with problems.


Thanks Kim,

I was wondering about that. I did some probing last night and found some other previous posts under "lumbar". One recommended a clean solution.


Reach your fingers inbetween the seatback and the side bolster where the arrow points and pull carefully. You will notice the seatback is only attached on the top and bottom. Now you can see into the back of the seat area, limited access.

Insert some "lumbar" support as needed to satisfy your back. A piece of foam could work, and it will be hidden from view.

When you reach in there, see if you can feel or see anything where the lumbar support is supposed to be. I did not see or feel anything myself.

Thanks Kim,

Reach your fingers inbetween the seatback and the side bolster where the arrow points and pull carefully. You will notice the seatback is only attached on the top and bottom. Now you can see into the back of the seat area, limited access.

Insert some "lumbar" support as needed to satisfy your back. A piece of foam could work, and it will be hidden from view.


I took it one step further. For $39 on ebay, I bought two (one for each seat) rubber inflatable bladders, each with its own bulb pump (think "blood pressure test") so that it can be pumped for max comfort. The bladders are inserted in the exact spot you indicate with the arrow.

They work great. I could not spend a lengthy time in the seat without this or an equivalent.

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