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I have just taken my Porsche for a spin on the German Autobahn. As there was no speed limit I drove the car at about 160 miles for something like five minutes. Then I noticed a flashing light from the temp gauge. I found a spot where I could park the car and waited for about five minutes. The light had stopped flashing and did not go on again. According to the instruction manual a flashing light from the temp gauge indicates that the deck lid fan does not function properly.

I have already found some very useful information on this forum, so I know that the fan itself works, that the fuse is OK. I have also found the temp sensor in the engine compartment. According to one of the forum members the fan should go on when disconnecting the probe. I tried this (yes, ignition on), but nothing happened.

As to my questions. Have I forgotten anything? Is it perhaps possible to connect the two cables that go to the probe to test the fan. If it is indeed a malfunctioning probe, how do I test this? If it is the probe, how do I remove it? Any idea how much would this probe could cost?

Thanks for your help.

jo996 (the Netherlands)

Hello again,

Ever so stupid. I forgot to mention that I own a Porsche 996 C4 (November 1998)



I have just taken my Porsche for a spin on the German Autobahn. As there was no speed limit I drove the car at about 160 miles for something like five minutes. Then I noticed a flashing light from the temp gauge. I found a spot where I could park the car and waited for about five minutes. The light had stopped flashing and did not go on again. According to the instruction manual a flashing light from the temp gauge indicates that the deck lid fan does not function properly.

I have already found some very useful information on this forum, so I know that the fan itself works, that the fuse is OK. I have also found the temp sensor in the engine compartment. According to one of the forum members the fan should go on when disconnecting the probe. I tried this (yes, ignition on), but nothing happened.

As to my questions. Have I forgotten anything? Is it perhaps possible to connect the two cables that go to the probe to test the fan. If it is indeed a malfunctioning probe, how do I test this? If it is the probe, how do I remove it? Any idea how much would this probe could cost?

Thanks for your help.

jo996 (the Netherlands)

Hello again,

Ever so stupid. I forgot to mention that I own a Porsche 996 C4 (November 1998)




Loren thank you for your reply. The temperature of the coolant was normal, I think. The temperature was slightly above 85 C. The red light was not on all the time. It was flashing.


  • Admin

The frequency of the flashing light is part of the diagnosis.

Covers all Carrera (996), GT3, TT / GT2 and Boxster (986) cars

Here is the long explanation from the service manual on the flashing coolant light.

"Four functions of the coolant warning light:

1. Engine coolant level too low -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz)

2. Engine compartment temperature too high -- light flashes slowly (0.5 Hz) (engine compartment blower might be faulty)

3. Engine coolant temperature too high -- light is lit; pointer on the right

4. Temperature sensor at water outlet faulty -- light flashes rapidly (1 Hz) ; pointer on the right

Note: The temperature warning in point three is indicated if the conditions "engine coolant temperature too high" and "engine coolant level too low" are present simultaneously."



I had the same situation, it only occured during fast driving and the temp light was blinking. It was low on coolant, about half a cup it was all that was low. The system is very sensitive and can trigger the low coolant. Do a quick fill, then take the drive from Venlo to Cologne.

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