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Hoping someone with fuse knowledge might be able to assist me here. The power mirrors and central locking from the key fob are inoperable on my 99 C2. The red light on my dash is always off (never even blinks).

Can anyone affirm that those are on the same fuse....and if so, do you know which one I would need to replace? Is there a schematic of the fuse box anywhere? I assume there are spare fuses in there, and am hoping it's as easy as just swapping one in/out (I'm not very proficient with electric).

Any thoughts?


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  • Admin

No flashing light usually means the alarm self-test did not pass.

Does your car make a beep when you lock it?

If so, then you have an alarm fault and a zone is open or faulty.


I don't get any beeps or honks upon locking. And I can only lock the car 'manually' by inserting the key into the door and turning. The key light blinks as it should when I press the button on it, but does not lock or unlock the doors.

Is that a fuse? Would the mirrors be tied to it?

  • Admin

If it was a fuse using the key to lock the doors would not work. There is only one fuse for the alarm/central locking system. The mirrors work normally when the key is switched on in the ignition?

How new is the battery in your key fob?

Try the procedure here.


Thanks Loren, I'd seen that post regarding the battery trick when searching through the forums...but the fact that the light on the dash is never on confuses me. Would flipping the battery cure that as well?

Guess it's worth a try, unless that light-less dash symptom indicates something else is at fault.

Power mirrors don't work at all, whether car is on or off...

  • Admin

Flipping the battery causes an alarm transponder reset. It should clear up any communication issues between the key transponder and the alarm controller - unless the key fob is bad. Do you have the other key and does it do the same?

Alarm readiness (light) states


Each side has a separate fuse for the corresponding seat memory and mirror memory. So I doubt that both fuses are gone.

Is this a US/Canada car or RoW?

Where are you located?


Hmmm, I've got two keys, and both act the same way. When I press the key fob, the light (on the key) blinks several times.

I suppose I can try the battery trick, and see what happens. My only concern is, do I risk triggering anything 'worse' by fooling around with this stuff? By worse, I mean something like the immobilizer? Right now, while the alarm/key fob central locking do not seem to be functioning...I can still lock/unlock manually and most importantly-start the car. I would hate to mess up the immobilizer or something by playing with the battery. Is that a valid concern, or am I just being paranoid?

Does that rapid succession of key light blinks indicate trouble?

Thanks for the assistance and suggestions thus far, I really appreciate it.

I'm located in the US (Chicago,IL).

  • Admin

You are not playing with the battery - you are resetting the transponder per the instructions in by a Porsche TSB. I have done this many times - sometimes it is just a bad transponder and key fob has to be replaced.

You likely need to find a shop (someone) with the Durametric Software or a PST2 to read the alarm fault codes. The Durametic can read the codes but not reset them. A PST2 can read and reset codes as well as test each part of the alarm and central locking system independently.


Alright, I'll give the transponder reset a try...but guess I should start looking for a shop.

I appreciate your help today.

Thanks again

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