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My dealer recommends to do a wheel alignment of my 2006 Boxster after the first 5000 Km (3.000 miles). They claim that quite a few Boxsters (but not all) have alignment changes in this period, causing tyre wear.

Is this the general practice for the Boxster, or typical for this dealer?


Humor your dealer if he will do an accurate alignment for same price the oldest and best alignment and suspension shop in Salt Lake City will do it for. They charge $58.95 for a 4 wheel alignment which includes tow, caster and camber. They have done my Porsches and Jags and even vehicles where the design doesn't allow certain changes like a twin I beam Ford truck front end.

Actually tirewear won't change alignment at all, maybe you shoud mention this to your dealer. Alignment is WHERE in space each axles axis is relative to the others. Accidents, extreme suspension bushing wear and extreme road shock can cause alignment issues. If a relatively new car needs alignment it was most likely never aligned correctly from the factory.

Alignment is no magic or difficult thing to do. I have very accurately aligned my Jeep in the driveway after installing a lift kit and having both front and rear suspensiond completely removed from the vehicle. Dealers often charge extreme prices for the simple service becaues it is a P car and their owners usually don't question them.


Funny that this subject came up because my 2002 C2 is in the shop for an alignment. I was

showing a lot of inner edge tire wear on the right rear tire.

Recommending an alignment is a good money maker for a shop. I'd be especially

suspicous if they recommend one without examining the tires first and understanding

how you drive the car. In my case it was clear something was going on. However, if

you have even or normal wear for that type of car, just let it be.

60$ is a great deal, if they do a good job. Over here the going rate seems to

be closer to 150-180US$ at an independent shop (that I would trust) and 300US$ or

more at the dealer.

You are right that most alignments are straightforward and you can

get pretty close with just regular tools and measuring devices. The problem

with the shade tree alignment is that for certain settings the springs need

to be loaded up with the tires on a movable platform. From the

looks of it, P's seem to have more adjustments than most cars, hence the higher price.

Many cars, like VWs, have no adjustements for there rear and only toe & sometimes

camber for the fronts.

By the way, there are few alignment machines that have the necessary accuracy and repeatability

to do a correct alignment. One of the better ones is the Hunter 600 (?), the one

with the flashy things and camera. Surprisingly, the old fashioned method of using paint on

a wheel and a scribe and manual tools is still one of the best ways of aligning a car.


I also have a 987S which has about 7,500km on it. When I collected it from the dealer (it was new) the mechanic was showing me around underneath etc, and he told me that he thought an alignment was a good idea around 9,000km as the car settles on its suspension, and as a result the alignment changes.

I would be interested if anyone has more advice


read your new car warranty, when I was at the dealer adjustments were covered for a short period of time, so your dealer is doing you a favor telling you to come and have this done, should be covered under this adjustment warranty period. it is a good idea because the suspension does settle and will wear the inside of the tires. the dealer should have sand bags to properly load the Porsche, this is the only way to make the specs work for the Porsche


At about 8000 miles my 987 did not feel as "planted" as it did when new. I had it aligned at 10,000 miles and that restored the straight ahead driving experience of the car.

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