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just taking precautions from oil starvation at the track. i've read of an updated oil pan baffle for 2000+ cars... anyone have the part #'s?



Is this an actual modified oilpan & what are the changes? Seems like a cheap mod if it helps with a real issue.


  • Admin

I don't have any details of the change - only that the parts list says to use the 997 number instead. Perhaps Carlos can take a pic of the two side by side. BTW... this in not the oil pan but the windage tray inside the crankcase (item 25).


I don't have any details of the change - only that the parts list says to use the 997 number instead. Perhaps Carlos can take a pic of the two side by side. BTW... this in not the oil pan but the windage tray inside the crankcase (item 25).


thx again loren.

that's the part i am looking for. i am also thinking about changing my old style with "exposed" bolts to the newer style "recessed" bolts.

i will definitely take pics.

  • 1 year later...


Do you know if there is a part # for the X51 windage tray? Seems that one could just possibly bolt the new x51 windage tray (AKA oil sump baffles) onto their existing oil pan.

Maybe I am crazy. :)



Thanks...not sure if you know but I thought the difference in the X51 oil pan was purely in the windage tray?

Lots of head scratching here...directed at Porsche. :)

The blanket replacement windage tray (for 3.4 and 3.6 liter engines including X51) is the now same part number as used on the 997.


  • Admin

All I can tell you is that if you look at the replacement parts list for standard and X51 engines it says to use that 997 part number for the windage tray.

The old number for the assembly (996.107.243.40) comes up in the price list but not in the parts list - go figure.



Thanks much !

All I can tell you is that if you look at the replacement parts list for standard and X51 engines it says to use that 997 part number for the windage tray.

The old number for the assembly (996.107.243.40) comes up in the price list but not in the parts list - go figure.


I have not seen any oil pressure stability improvement in hard left handers on the track since installing the windage tray about a year ago (MY02 3.6l). Anybody experienced an improvement?

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Loren,

I tried ordering 997.107.243.00 and what came is the black plastic style windage tray that looks pretty much the same as what comes in the 3.4 and 3.6.

Any suggestions? I may just have to get the assembly # quoted below.


All I can tell you is that if you look at the replacement parts list for standard and X51 engines it says to use that 997 part number for the windage tray.

The old number for the assembly (996.107.243.40) comes up in the price list but not in the parts list - go figure.

  • Admin
Hey Loren,

I tried ordering 997.107.243.00 and what came is the black plastic style windage tray that looks pretty much the same as what comes in the 3.4 and 3.6.

Any suggestions? I may just have to get the assembly # quoted below.


All I can tell you is that if you look at the replacement parts list for standard and X51 engines it says to use that 997 part number for the windage tray.

The old number for the assembly (996.107.243.40) comes up in the price list but not in the parts list - go figure.

Did you try to order the old part number (996.107.243.40)?

Well that is my next option here after I return the other ones. I plan to order a 996.107.243.40 (that is the x51 baffles and a new oil pan). I was trying to order just the baffles/windage tray so I didn't have to throw out a perfectly good $170 oil pan (the parts for those btw are identical) but Porsche forces you to buy a new oil pan just to get the x51 baffles.

Hey Loren,

I tried ordering 997.107.243.00 and what came is the black plastic style windage tray that looks pretty much the same as what comes in the 3.4 and 3.6.

Any suggestions? I may just have to get the assembly # quoted below.


All I can tell you is that if you look at the replacement parts list for standard and X51 engines it says to use that 997 part number for the windage tray.

The old number for the assembly (996.107.243.40) comes up in the price list but not in the parts list - go figure.

Did you try to order the old part number (996.107.243.40)?

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

I just installed the pan with the updated baffles on mine last weekend. There is several more baffles in the system and a larger space where the oil pickup is. I found it onsale from SunCoast Motorsports for 199.95. I do not think this will hurt anything. With the additional baffles it looked like it would help.

Part number for my car was 996-107-243-40, I also purchased the adhesive sealant 043-204-35.

Edited by carsareart

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