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every time I step on the gas and the car starts to really accelerate the car's cabin starts to rock right to left and left to right violently till I take my foot off the gas...its to the point that if I dont take my foot off the gas I feel like I will lose control of the car...I have 19' wheels that are fine I just have them tested w/ 295/30/19 mich pilot sports in the rear and I have h+r springs...everything else is stock...I was told that my rear tires are too tall and they "flex" under acceleration causing the rocking in the car...any opinions???

Have you checked for a broken motor mount?

I havent checked and I am about to take the car to the dealer but that might involve some extreme lightening of my wallet knowing "the collection" in miami...im just worried that its my h+r springs and they will say that its because of that and void all my warranty


Also check your rear tie rod. These are a weak point in the suspension and a bad one will cause your back end to move around like you described although it usually happens when you take your foot off the gas. Worth checking though.


Took it in to the collection and they told me that I had a "bad wheel bearing" that they are going to replace...what say you my forum friends???

Took it in to the collection and they told me that I had a "bad wheel bearing" that they are going to replace...what say you my forum friends???

A wheel bearing would have to be horribly worn, almost beyond being serviceable to exhibit those actions. You can easliy check bearings by jacking up the car and trying to rock the wheels in an axis 90 degrees to rotation. If the bearing play is that excessive you would feel it. These are ball bearings and I believe a double row that unlike the more common tapered rollers have no axial play so ANY play side to side is too much.


Took it in to the collection and they told me that I had a "bad wheel bearing" that they are going to replace...what say you my forum friends???

A wheel bearing would have to be horribly worn, almost beyond being serviceable to exhibit those actions. You can easliy check bearings by jacking up the car and trying to rock the wheels in an axis 90 degrees to rotation. If the bearing play is that excessive you would feel it. These are ball bearings and I believe a double row that unlike the more common tapered rollers have no axial play so ANY play side to side is too much.

Thanks for the reply...it is a loud creaking noise at low speeds when its quiet...and when I stomp on the gas the whole car wobbles violently once the car starts to pull and the weight gets on the back wheels...

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