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Porsche is pleased to announce the release of Exclusive option XAL, Sport Design Package, for Boxster and Boxster S. The Sport Design Package is comprised of additional spoiler extensions on the standard front apron, new automatically extending and retracting rear spoiler in conjunction with new rear apron to optimize aerodynamics, and design. Caution - the addition to the front apron substantially reduces entry angle to gradients. US MSRP = $5,865; Canada MSRP = $8,200

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How long after the 1st Gen boxsters came out did they wait to release the "speedster humps" ? I would have thought those would be out for the 987 Boxster by now.

How long after the 1st Gen boxsters came out did they wait to release the "speedster humps" ? I would have thought those would be out for the 987 Boxster by now.

I'm a new owner of a lapis blue 987 and think those pictures of the "speed humps" look outstanding. Like you, I am interested in availability and cost. How much did they sell for on previous models? How do they install?

I'm a new owner of a lapis blue 987 and think those pictures of the "speed humps" look outstanding. Like you, I am interested in availability and cost. How much did they sell for on previous models? How do they install?

IIRC, they latch in much the same way as the hardtop, with the obvious exception of not latching into the windscreen. I don't believe they were more than $2000 painted. The only caveat was being able to store them - the top obviously would not go up with the speed humps in place, and I *think* they maybe bearly fit in the trunk of the 986. Perhaps a 986 owner could enlighten us.


I'm a new owner of a lapis blue 987 and think those pictures of the "speed humps" look outstanding. Like you, I am interested in availability and cost. How much did they sell for on previous models? How do they install?

IIRC, they latch in much the same way as the hardtop, with the obvious exception of not latching into the windscreen. I don't believe they were more than $2000 painted. The only caveat was being able to store them - the top obviously would not go up with the speed humps in place, and I *think* they maybe bearly fit in the trunk of the 986. Perhaps a 986 owner could enlighten us.

Hey there, I had the humps on my old 986, from the dealer. They were $1200 US. painted with my PCA discount. They felt kind of cheap but looked beautiful installed. They were pretty easy to install, there were 4 straps and a few clips to hold them down. I was even able to use the wind blocker when they were on. They came with 2 pouches and fit very easily in the rear trunk. I hope they make them for the 987, I'll be buying them as soon as I can. I love the way a Boxster looks with them on.

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