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Posted (edited)

Well, the first DIY oil change on my 996 is now history. Simple enough task but I was wondering if any of you first press the filter into the canister and then screw it onto the block. I tried doing it like the DIY instructions but it was impossible for me to start the threads. Please see pic below (sorry about the focusing but oily hands...).


Your input will be appreciated,

Edited by gcp
Posted (edited)
Well, the first DIY oil change on my 996 is now history. Simple enough task but I was wondering if any of you first press the filter into the canister and then screw it onto the block. I tried doing it like the DIY instructions but it was impossible for me to start the threads. Please see pic below (sorry about the focusing but oily hands...).


Your input will be appreciated,

I just push the filter up into the engine because I know it's seated right and then put the cannister on after a new seal is put on wet.

Edited by WARDHOG

But how do you get the filter to stay onto the engine without out it falling down while you are trying to screw the canister in place? I found it a tricky business....

And shouldn't the filter seat properly once the cainster is torqued in place (19ftlbs)?

But how do you get the filter to stay onto the engine without out it falling down while you are trying to screw the canister in place? I found it a tricky business....

And shouldn't the filter seat properly once the canister is torqued in place (19ftlbs)?

I haven't had any probs with this way of doing it. The filter will be in proper place as the cannister screws up into place and it always stays in place and doesn't fall off while on the engine. Works for me! :rolleyes:

  • Admin

The center of the filter "presses" on to the filter holder - so you do have to push a little. The Boxster, Carrera, Cayenne Turbo, Cayman all mount this way.

Posted (edited)

Loren, I was pressing but I was afraid of crossthreading. And since I found that the filter snapped into place within the canister I figured that's another viable way of mounting it but in retrospect should I worry about a gap between the filter and the block? Should I remove the filter and re-install?


Edited by gcp

No there are no threads showing but I did not know if there can exist some kind of minute slop once you seat the filter inside the canister and once the valve has grabbed/holds the filter in place.

I'll leave well enough alone.


Posted (edited)

Hey Loren, what's your take on the 0/40 v. 10/40 oil, or whatever the previous weight was, 5? I would think that the lifter bleed down requires the 0 but since it doesn't get that cold here in CA and because we have 99's that more protection is needed that 0 doesn't give? The reason I ask is because I am going to do an oil change soon

Edited by SPR
  • 1 month later...
Well, the first DIY oil change on my 996 is now history. Simple enough task but I was wondering if any of you first press the filter into the canister and then screw it onto the block. I tried doing it like the DIY instructions but it was impossible for me to start the threads. Please see pic below (sorry about the focusing but oily hands...).


Your input will be appreciated,

I actually felt I had to do the same thing by pressing the filter in the canister first then being able to easily screw the canister to the engine.

I put in 9 qts of oil and the dipstick level is fine, but the guage on dash is below the line? Is that common? Thanks!

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