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I just noticed the other day that locking the car no longer locks the gas door. This might have been why I have noted previously a different noise when my door locks were locking, it might have been the gas door solenoid craping out! Any ideas or tsb on this? Thanks Loren!

No TSB that I know of - if it is not locking then you should get an alarm chirp when you lock the car.

He may be experiencing the same thing I have run into:

The locking mechanism that pushes the locking plunger into the locked position for the gas door IS, in fact, actuating properly. Thus, no beep when setting alarm.

However, the entire mechanism has developed mechanical slop. Watching it (with gas door open) while activating the locks, one can see that sometimes the plunger comes out so as to engage the locking tab .... and sometimes the mechanism simply shifts back the other way (as if into the void behind the wheel well).

So, the alarm computer thinks the lock has done its job .... but the door is not actually held shut by the plunger.

I just recently printed out an enlarged pic of the mechanism from the repair manual, and have not yet analyzed it to see what can be done to correct the problem.


2000 Cab


No TSB that I know of - if it is not locking then you should get an alarm chirp when you lock the car.

He may be experiencing the same thing I have run into:

The locking mechanism that pushes the locking plunger into the locked position for the gas door IS, in fact, actuating properly. Thus, no beep when setting alarm.

The entire plunger assembly was missing on my 99 C2 (bought used in 04) when I picked it up from the dealer. This was discovered during customer orientation - quite embarassing for the sales guy. I didn't notice a problem with alarm though...no chirps even with the assembly missing.

The locking mechanism was replaced under CPO warranty a week later. Good luck.


Thanks guys. I don't have a chirp from the alarm. The car is currently in the body shop having some minor things fixed after I had the front end replanted and roll bar installed. I seem to remember when I noted it the first time that the plunger wasn't moving at all but I think it made noise. I will check it out in detail when I recieve the car back. Wierd!

No TSB that I know of - if it is not locking then you should get an alarm chirp when you lock the car.

He may be experiencing the same thing I have run into:

The locking mechanism that pushes the locking plunger into the locked position for the gas door IS, in fact, actuating properly. Thus, no beep when setting alarm.

The entire plunger assembly was missing on my 99 C2 (bought used in 04) when I picked it up from the dealer. This was discovered during customer orientation - quite embarassing for the sales guy. I didn't notice a problem with alarm though...no chirps even with the assembly missing.

The locking mechanism was replaced under CPO warranty a week later. Good luck.


I had exactly the same problem. The actuator arm was broken not reaching the latch.. Changed the actuator, problem was corrected... Hope it helps.. :unsure:


I had the same problem with my 01 C2. It turn out that it was missing a grommit. The grommit is a plastic bushing that is press fit into the steel body. It lines up the plunger to meet with the hole in the plastic door. Without the grommit, the plunger misses the hole. I bought the part at the dealer , I don't remember the cost but it was under $10.00. Open the gas door, look at the plunger and there should be plastic bushing (grommit)that the plunger slides thru.



I went to check mine, same problem. Guess I never checked. Missing the grommet, and found the part number in Sunset catalog.

996 624 505 02 "Guide Rose" is the name

What I found out in my case is that the emergency operation cable rubber connector was interfering with the plunger movement. Some drops of mystery oil cured that and it works fine. But will order the guide, since it probably acts as a separator between the rubber emergency connector and the plunger, and helps guide to the hole in the lid.

Look in Sunset's website for the catalog if you need more parts, the drawings are very good for assemblies.


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