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Hi everyone,

New to the forum :)

Few days ago I imported a Carrera 2 cab 996, 2001.

I drove for 30 minutes, went to a gas station and filled it, however it never

started again :(

Now the car is at the local dealership, they´re trying to figure out what has happened with no success.

All gadgets work, brand new battery(reads 14V), all lights on etc., except the **** starter is refusing to turn, no sound, nothing.

I suspect to immobilizer but they(the guys at the dealership) want to dissassemble the whole area above the engine to check the starter, I doubt it will do any help, however I´m not a pro so I think it´s best to shut up... :rolleyes:

There are only a handful of carreras and boxters in Iceland, and none has had this problem.

Any help would be appreciated.



Welcome to the board!!

It's a bit academic now that the dealer is looking into it, but I would have just put my multimeter on the starter terminals first, to see for definite if it was the starter. - If I was getting the correct voltages for the start position of the key, the starter would need further inspection, conversely if the solenoid voltage was not getting to the starter, I would then start to trace it back.

Welcome to the board!!

It's a bit academic now that the dealer is looking into it, but I would have just put my multimeter on the starter terminals first, to see for definite if it was the starter. - If I was getting the correct voltages for the start position of the key, the starter would need further inspection, conversely if the solenoid voltage was not getting to the starter, I would then start to trace it back.

The problem is, it´s very difficult to access these connections, can they be accessed elsewhere than in the back of the engine bay (behind the rear seats) ?? :unsure:

  • Admin

Your car is the right age for a ignition switch problem. Any strange issues with the ignition switch? What happens if you wiggle the ignition while turning it.

Also, since it is a cab check for water or moisture under the left hand seat.

Your car is the right age for a ignition switch problem. Any strange issues with the ignition switch? What happens if you wiggle the ignition while turning it.

Also, since it is a cab check for water or moisture under the left hand seat.

Thanks for the reply :)

I´ll try this, especially the moisture, however the hardtop has been for longer than two months at least now..

What kind of problem is known with the ignition, do you know what needs to be replaced? Is it the immobilizer braking down or is it something else in the switch?


The switch (electrical wears out) then you get all sorts of electrical anomalies including not starting.

I'll place my money on Loren. I'm on my third switch and now carry a spare in the door bin along with a micro screwdriver. Very easy to replace in about 15 minutes or less.

Posted (edited)

Here are your options: Starter (bushings or solenoid short), ignition switch (most likely), wiring harness (doubtful, but possible) or battery connection problem. Trace the voltage from the battery through the ignition switch to the starter. You need to have current running to the starter when the ignition is engaged (full turn). If no voltage through the ignition switch you've found your probem-ignition (assuming you've run your checks to be sure power is getting to switch). If you have voltage THROUGH the ignition, focus on the starter. You can bench test a starter easily when it's out of the car and before replacing, strongly recommend just as a confirmation of a dead unit. In addition, sometimes the solenoid alone can be replaced saving you from replacing the entire unit, if the solenoid is shot. Good luck!

Edited by happy911

Problem solved.

I went and got the Ignition Switch, headed to the dealership and was going to swap the old one out.

However they had already fixed the problem :clapping:

Very strange fault, the clutch sensor was jammed, preventing the car to start. :cursing:

So now I just went for my first drive on my Carrera... wooooohaaaaaaa :king:

I´m just going to keep the Ignition Switch for later.

Thank you guys, really appreciate your help !!!!!!!


  • 1 year later...

I went to replace my ignition switch and found that it had audi/vw group part numbers on it. Porsche dealer would only sell me the ignition barrel complete for £70, so went to my local Audi dealership and brought just the plastic ignition switch for £20

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