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Does anyone know how to adjust the windows by using the adjustment screws under the door? How much do you turn the screws and which is for up/down VS. in/out?


  • Admin

Do you want

Adjusting the door window angle in the vehicle's longitudinal direction?


Adjusting the door window height?


Adjustment of the door window pressing force on the door seal at the top and sides?


Adjusting the lower stop of the power window unit?

Do you want

Adjusting the door window angle in the vehicle's longitudinal direction?


Adjusting the door window height?


Adjustment of the door window pressing force on the door seal at the top and sides?


Adjusting the lower stop of the power window unit?

Wow...........cool, did anyone else know there was 4 options? (or that there were screws under the door :lightbulb: )........on reseting the simple 'up limet or stop'.......pretty sure that's covered in your manual.........full down, then hold switch for up as she goes all the way & continue to hold for a sec or 2.

Am I anywhere near right on that Loren :D ?..........and was that the 1 of 4 you were after?



I was at the dealer and watched them do it. I would like to do it some more. "Adjust the door window pressing force on the door seal at top and sides"


Do you want

Adjusting the door window angle in the vehicle's longitudinal direction?


Adjusting the door window height?


Adjustment of the door window pressing force on the door seal at the top and sides?


Adjusting the lower stop of the power window unit?

Wow...........cool, did anyone else know there was 4 options? (or that there were screws under the door :lightbulb: )........on reseting the simple 'up limet or stop'.......pretty sure that's covered in your manual.........full down, then hold switch for up as she goes all the way & continue to hold for a sec or 2.

Am I anywhere near right on that Loren :D ?..........and was that the 1 of 4 you were after?

  • Admin
Adjustment of the door window pressing force on the door seal at the top and sides

Precondition for operation of the power windows

- Ignition switched on.

- Ignition key should not be removed from the steering lock with the ignition switched off.

- The door is opened for the first time after switching off the ignition.

- Door opened.

1. Move the power window unit rails by approx. 10 mm outwards or inwards. post-2-1139531570.png

Note! The adjusting nuts of the power window unit rails for the pressing force of the door window upper edge against the convertible top are accessible through two holes at the bottom of the door.

Adjustment procedure:

1. Open the doors.

2. Move the power window regulator into its upper position and undo the combination nuts M6 of the power window rails.

3. Adjust the power window unit so that the upper edge of the door window is sufficiently pressed against the door seal at the side. Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)

Checking the adjustment:

- Clamp a sheet of paper between the door window and door seal.

Note! It must not be possible to pull out the sheet of paper.



Thanks for the info....When I remove the two plugs on the bottom of the door to expose the adjustment screws, are all the screws for "pressure", or are there multiple screws for different things, ie. height, angle etc. If they are for different things, how do I identify the correct screw(s) for the pressure agianst the seals?

Is there only one screw for the "pressure" or more than one?


Adjustment of the door window pressing force on the door seal at the top and sides

Precondition for operation of the power windows

- Ignition switched on.

- Ignition key should not be removed from the steering lock with the ignition switched off.

- The door is opened for the first time after switching off the ignition.

- Door opened.

1. Move the power window unit rails by approx. 10 mm outwards or inwards. post-2-1139531570.png

Note! The adjusting nuts of the power window unit rails for the pressing force of the door window upper edge against the convertible top are accessible through two holes at the bottom of the door.

Adjustment procedure:

1. Open the doors.

2. Move the power window regulator into its upper position and undo the combination nuts M6 of the power window rails.

3. Adjust the power window unit so that the upper edge of the door window is sufficiently pressed against the door seal at the side. Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)

Checking the adjustment:

- Clamp a sheet of paper between the door window and door seal.

Note! It must not be possible to pull out the sheet of paper.

  • Admin

There are two sets of holes in the bottom of the door. One set near the handle and one set near the hinges. My understanding is that these are used to adjust he window angle to the seal. They are suggesting that you adjust the window until the seal is just tight enough that you can't pull the piece of paper out (but not loose enough that you can) - then tighten the nuts back down. Be careful not to over-tighten the nuts 7.4 ftlbs is not much.

There are two sets of holes in the bottom of the door. One set near the handle and one set near the hinges. My understanding is that these are used to adjust he window angle to the seal. They are suggesting that you adjust the window until the seal is just tight enough that you can't pull the piece of paper out (but not loose enough that you can) - then tighten the nuts back down. Be careful not to over-tighten the nuts 7.4 ftlbs is not much.


Which sets of screws do what funcion? I will need to adjust the passangers side window this weekend, as it slams a little too hard when closing. The driver's window does not do this.

Also, my windows move a little too slow. Is there a way of fixing this issue.

Thanks Loren.


Hi guys,

This thread is very timely because I'd also like to adjust the windows for eliminating wind noise as much as possible. So, have any of you figured out which screws do the side adjustment (increased pressure to the door seal)?



1. Open the doors.

2. Move the power window regulator into its upper position and undo the combination nuts M6 of the power window rails.

3. Adjust the power window unit so that the upper edge of the door window is sufficiently pressed against the door seal at the side. Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)

:unsure: I know this is copied from the factory manual, but if you carry out step 1. the window will drop its 10mm, and if you've carried out step 1. how do you do step 3.? (i.e. you'll have to close the door again...)


1. Open the doors.

2. Move the power window regulator into its upper position and undo the combination nuts M6 of the power window rails.

3. Adjust the power window unit so that the upper edge of the door window is sufficiently pressed against the door seal at the side. Tightening torque: 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)

:unsure: I know this is copied from the factory manual, but if you carry out step 1. the window will drop its 10mm, and if you've carried out step 1. how do you do step 3.? (i.e. you'll have to close the door again...)

Activate the button (?) so the car thinks the door is closed? Probably the instructions stating to raise the window to its upper position just means raise the window up from a "rolled down" position. Wouldn't this be a 'make slight adjustment, close door to try the fit and continue as needed' type of adjustment anyway? This beings you can't make the adjustment while the door is closed.

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