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Hi, I am new to this forum. I recently bought a 987 Boxster S, but recently found a problem. The shift knob when moved to the left or right, doesnt return to the middle (neutral, between 3rd and 4th), it stays where you move it, either left or right, and that is annoying as I get confused when shifting from 6th to 4th because sometimes I accidentaly shift to 2nd. If anyone could please tell me what the problem could be. Took it to the dealer, replaced the shifter under warranty and is still the same, service advisor told me that the mechanic could not tell what was wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Refer to Porsche TSB 3531.

cant read the thread (Porsche TSB 3531), do I have to make a donation in order to see that thread? or is there a shortcut or anything. TIA

  • Admin

Refer to Porsche TSB 3531.

cant read the thread (Porsche TSB 3531), do I have to make a donation in order to see that thread? or is there a shortcut or anything. TIA

Yes, you need to be a Contributing Member to view TSBs.

Since your car is under warranty your dealer should repair this. Tell your dealer to review TSB 6/05 3531 6-Speed Manual Transmission: Gear Shift Lever Does Not Return to Neutral - dated 7-29-2005. He needs to apply the fix described there - it should take about 40 minutes to do the work.


Refer to Porsche TSB 3531.

cant read the thread (Porsche TSB 3531), do I have to make a donation in order to see that thread? or is there a shortcut or anything. TIA

Yes, you do need to be a contributing member to read the details.

However, even without the details you can now be aware that this is a known problem for certain cars and there is a defined fix (which is half the battle). Unfortunately it requires removal of the transmission so it is definitely not a 5 minute job.

I suggest that you go back to your dealer and ask them to refer to this TSB. As your car is probably in warranty they should be able to arrange for the repair f.o.c.

Write to me at ken@sms.xerox.com if you want technical details. Not that there is much you can do about it yourself.

Refer to Porsche TSB 3531.

cant read the thread (Porsche TSB 3531), do I have to make a donation in order to see that thread? or is there a shortcut or anything. TIA

Yes, you need to be a Contributing Member to view TSBs.

Since your car is under warranty your dealer should repair this. Tell your dealer to review TSB 6/05 3531 6-Speed Manual Transmission: Gear Shift Lever Does Not Return to Neutral - dated 7-29-2005. He needs to apply the fix described there - it should take about 40 minutes to do the work.

My interpretation (which could well be wrong) was that it takes 40 minutes plus the time to remove/reinstall the transmission.


thanks to everyone, I went to the dealer about a week ago to have the problem solved, left the car 2 days, and when I picked it up the service advisor told me they replaced the shifter and that the problem was still there. He also told me that the mechanic thought that was the only solution and that he has no idea what else could be. My service advisor ended up telling me "you're gonna have to live with that".

Next week I'll be going again but know I'm going to speak with the manager.


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