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I recently replaced my armrest because it was broken. I think I might have installed the spring incorrectly because the door doesn't stay up when the release button is pushed.

Can someone tell me if the door is supposed to stay up? If so, can you please tell me the proper placement for the spring? Thanks in advance.



I did all this. I studied the picture with the spring position quit closely. What I recall what that the cover floated/levitated when the release button was pressed. Now, I have to lift the cover even after I've pressed the release button. Is that the way it should be? Thanks in advance.

I did all this. I studied the picture with the spring position quit closely. What I recall what that the cover floated/levitated when the release button was pressed. Now, I have to lift the cover even after I've pressed the release button. Is that the way it should be? Thanks in advance.

It should open up on its own a couple of inches at least. Check the tension in the spring coil before you slide the hinge pin through, it may have to be turned around once and then set into the slot before the pin goes in to get enough torque to raise the cover


Thanks. I definitely didn't put the spring in correctly. I have the longer spring under the silver plate with one screw on each end. The small end of the spring is sitting in the recessed area behind and below the hinge. Where should it actually be? Sorry to be a pain in the *** but I want it to work properly.

Thanks. I definitely didn't put the spring in correctly. I have the longer spring under the silver plate with one screw on each end. The small end of the spring is sitting in the recessed area behind and below the hinge. Where should it actually be? Sorry to be a pain in the *** but I want it to work properly.

The long end goes under the metal plate that the strap attatches to. The short end goes into the slot on the TOP of the hinge plate you riveted to the case. When the spring is on the hinge pin you have to set the short end on the hinge and rotate it around against the resistance to screw on the plate for teh retaining strap. teh long end of the spring has to go under the plate after you rotate the door towards closing and you basically "wind it up" as it goes down. Sorry if htis doenst sound right but it is hard to describe. I did the same thing when I replaced the broken hinge on my 99



Got it to work, thanks.


When are you going to start modding that baby of yours? Couldn't resist.


When are you going to start modding that baby of yours? Couldn't resist.

I'm on the fence for going to stage 4...I did get the silicone hoses though and will get them in soon...let's see...Kevin's hybrids...maybe. :D

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