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Hi Guys.

I have an X74 kit turning up in the next couple of days from Gert for my 01 facelift C2 tip coupe.

Is there a 'this is how you fit it' guide any where to be had ?

I'm specifically looking for thing like bolt torque settings, essential parts that must be changed (i.e. like strut mounts, new bolts etc) ?

I'm doing the work myself, but would assume that a re-alignement is required afterwards (car is freshly aligned one moth ago)

any first hand experience would be appreciated !

thanks in advance


  • 6 months later...

One note to ambitious DIY modders. I had an X74 arrive a couple of days ago and got all excited about installing it according to the directions above. I got stuck when I realized that C4's have a driveshaft coming from the front differential which complicates the install. The instructions didn't mention anything about that drive shaft and seemed to rely on some more movement of the control arm/wheel carrier assembly in order to tease the old spring/shock out. This motion is severely restricted because of the half-shaft sitting there.

So I abandoned and put her back together again. I'm going to have to shop this around to find a good installer in the Maryland/DC area.

Unless someone can point me in the direction of how to get the half-shaft off the wheel hub and let me know how easy/difficult that task really is.


  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Did you use spring compressors on the copil springs ?

I did on my install, and found that I didn't have to to contort the control arm at all for removal.

Should have mentioned - kit went in fine, took about 8 hrs start to finish. Had an alignment carried out, the car handling is in a different league now !


Edited by david_yorkshire
  • 3 weeks later...
Did you use spring compressors on the copil springs ?

I did on my install, and found that I didn't have to to contort the control arm at all for removal.

Should have mentioned - kit went in fine, took about 8 hrs start to finish. Had an alignment carried out, the car handling is in a different league now !


Was this on a C4?

I eventually gave up and had a pro do the job. Didn't want to break a fingernail or have some other horrendous fate overcome me. I was actually quite disappointed I wasn't able to finish the job on my own, but it was seeming like I'd have to take apart too much to get things loosened up in the front, and the rear top strut mount bolts were hidden in the convertible top storage area -- and that didn't seem very easy to get to either.

Anyways, the suspension is in and I'm bringing it in for its alignment in the morning.



My point exactly. I think, based on the DIY writeup I saw and a couple of individuals' first-hand experiences, the C2 install is pretty doable.

My cautionary tale relates to the C4 and to convertibles. It is alot more involved for these cars. Obviously not impossible, but requires you to take apart more things to get at the pieces to be swapped.

However, now that my system is in, is really does change the character of the car alot. I think that it's a little bit misleading how some posts seem to imply that it is merely a little bit more harshness in the ride. It is significantly firmer with a lot more harshness and vibration transferred from the road. That being said, some would term it "objectionable vibrations and resonance" while others would cite it as "much more communicative and precise road feel". It all depends on perspective. It really does change the nature of the handling of the car. I haven't played with it at the edge (yet), but it seems to have more of a neutral/oversteer character now rather than an understeer character. Works fantastic on smooth roads with lots of communication through the steering wheel and the lower stance really changes your perception of the workings of the suspension against the road. It is also true that a lot of the dive/squat with acceleration and breaking is worked out of the vehicle dynamics. All in all, a major change in the handling and steering feel of the car. But it does come with a price in terms of harshness and vibration.

I'm somewhat surprised by the couple of comments I read about significant others/spouses not noticing (or not objecting) to the new feel of the car. They must be the fortunate few who have SO's who are also track junkies!

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