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For what model year car?

US/Canada or RoW?

Do want just the unit or the whole install kit?

I have been offererd this PCM2 for sale, he gave me this part number and says it is only for a 996 year 2002 and will not fit any other car but I find it hard to beleive that it would not fit a 986 '03?

It is RoW BTW and is just the PCM2 head unit.

  • Admin

996 642 944 00 EWD will only fit MY02. In MY03 the PCM2 was introduced and it is very different. PCM2 communicates via a fiber optic network called MOST. If your car is a MY03 then you will want PCM2.


Thanks for the information - so is 996 642 944 00 EWD a PCM1 unit? I was under the impression that it was a PCM2 with the CD slot.


Do you know if this would work in a non-MOST car like a late 2000 986S?

Do you also know the differences between PCM 1 and 1.5?

Sorry to be a pain..

  • Admin

From the Porsche Technik Book for Boxster 2002:

9110 PCM (Porsche Communication Management)

During model year '01 (January 2001) a new navigation computer has been introduced for the PCM.

The following improvements on the previous model have been introduced:

• A 4x CD-ROM drive allows much faster access times to navigation data. This allows rapid computing of routes and deviations from the given route guidance are generated faster. Furthermore, producing maps in various scales is speeded up.

• A 12-channel GPS receiver replaces the 8-channel version. This results in quicker and more accurate position fixing of the vehicle.

• A selective gyroscope supports the positioning fixing and enables, when required, faster calibration of the PCM.

• Processor with 72 MIPS (mega instructions per second) instead of previous 16 MIPS.

• Flash memory (memory for saving program and other important data, e.g. last position before power failure, etc.) with 4 MB instead of 2 MB.

• Memory with 16 MB instead of 2 MB.

It is possible to retrofit this new navigation computer in cars pre-delivered with PCM.

To function satisfactorily, the drive also requires the new software (CD ROM 2000-2) which was introduced at the same time.

The new CD is absolutely essential for the retrofit of the navigation computer. This CD can also be used as a normal update for previously delivered units.

The new CD (release 2000-2) provides the following functional extensions for the PCM, which will also be of benefit to previously delivered units:

• New databank, issue quarterly 4/99

• Faster calibration of distance sensor through utilisation of road curve radii.

• Improved GPS reset handling, i.e. faster recovery after position loss (e.g. in underground garages, insufficient satellite link, etc.).

  • 2 months later...

Some of you seem very knowledgable about the PCM systems. I have someone offering me a good price on a system if it will work in my '03 US Boxster. The units he has show the following part numbers:

996.642.105.03 EFR

996.642.102.01 EFR

He really can't tell me if this is a PCM1 or PCM2, if it's CD or DVD based, he only can identify the part numbers. He says it may have come out of either an '02 or '03 C4S, or it may have been one of his kids' Boxsters ('99 or '02). He had it tucked away in a container on a shelf, and ran across it when cleaning out his garage.

My Boxster is an '03 with the 490 Digital sound system option. Anyone know if the units are compatable ?

  • Admin
Some of you seem very knowledgable about the PCM systems. I have someone offering me a good price on a system if it will work in my '03 US Boxster. The units he has show the following part numbers:

996.642.105.03 EFR

996.642.102.01 EFR

He really can't tell me if this is a PCM1 or PCM2, if it's CD or DVD based, he only can identify the part numbers. He says it may have come out of either an '02 or '03 C4S, or it may have been one of his kids' Boxsters ('99 or '02). He had it tucked away in a container on a shelf, and ran across it when cleaning out his garage.

My Boxster is an '03 with the 490 Digital sound system option. Anyone know if the units are compatable ?

I answered your post in your other thread. That is a very early PCM1 and it won't (easily) work in a MY03 car. You need a PCM2. See my other comments in the your other thread.

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