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Hi all, yesterday I picked up my new 987 but the fun did not last too long.

The trouble started when I tried to run a copied CD in the CDR24 system. The CD was loaded and it ran. You could see 'TRACK1' on the display and you could hear music....

... but somehow the system hung up (no, I don't think it's running MS Windows :P ). No control worked any more, all the buttons were dead. I couldn't change the volume, I couldn't turn it off, I couldn't get the CD out.... nothing. Turning the ignition on/off did not help.

Ok, the dealer ran a onboard diagnosis and reset everything.... without success -> Turn the ignition on and the music plays, but no chance to stop it or switch to radio mode.

The only way to reset the whole system was to unconnect the battery for a few minutes. After this and another reset of the errors it worked again... puh.

- Did somebody experience the same problem?

- Does the system always hang up when trying to play selfmade CDs? (the manual only says that eventually it cannot play copy-protected CDs).



Hi Mike,

thanks for the hint, I posted it on the Becker Board also.

In between the system stopped working again, but this time I used a commercial, original CD and not a copy of a CD.

Disconnecting the battery for 15 mins did not change anything, so it seems that my dealer will see me tomorrow morning again....



Hi Loren, I guess you are right, it seems to be a bad radio. I drove another hour this evening and sometimes the radio works normal until it suddenly dies again without having touched any knob.

The first time it happened with this homemade CD, but that does not seem to be the culprit as it happens also without any CD.

Well, I will visit my dealer again tomorrow <_<

  • 10 months later...
Hi all, yesterday I picked up my new 987 but the fun did not last too long.

The trouble started when I tried to run a copied CD in the CDR24 system. The CD was loaded and it ran. You could see 'TRACK1' on the display and you could hear music....

... but somehow the system hung up (no, I don't think it's running MS Windows :P ). No control worked any more, all the buttons were dead. I couldn't change the volume, I couldn't turn it off, I couldn't get the CD out.... nothing. Turning the ignition on/off did not help.

Ok, the dealer ran a onboard diagnosis and reset everything.... without success -> Turn the ignition on and the music plays, but no chance to stop it or switch to radio mode.

The only way to reset the whole system was to unconnect the battery for a few minutes. After this and another reset of the errors it worked again... puh.

- Did somebody experience the same problem?

- Does the system always hang up when trying to play selfmade CDs? (the manual only says that eventually it cannot play copy-protected CDs).




This is what is happening to me..... The system never totally locked up though.

I have a Boxster (2005). I have the in dash CDR24 player. I burn CD'R's on my computer to use in the car.

The player occassionally has difficulty playing discs. The player will stop and the radio comes on. So far I only notice it towards the end of the burned CD-R's.

Some discs that won't play will play at other times??? Go figure.

My wife's BMW exhibited the a similar problem. The discs are fine because they play in our various home CD players. Any thoughts or similar problems. I wish I could just hook up my IPOD.


Hi cantrax,

my CDR24 stillhas some problems with homemade CDs from time to time, but I can live with that. Eject and reload the CD and it works again....

But the problem with the lock-up I described earlier this year was treated differently: The dealer installed a software/firmware update. This solved it.


that dealer visit was back in January and since then the system works without faults (except for the occasional hick-up with own CDs)


Guys, the only thing I want to drop into your discussion:

Do you ensure the CD-R is created as-

'Disc at once' (rather than track at once)

Single Session

Session closed

I know that some CD players have to see the CDs in that fomat or they wont play. Because PCs read the track data as data (rather than real time with oversampling etc) a PC will 'play' multisession and open session CDs.


I finalize the CDR all tracks at once. I was told that the Lens units in car players are single elements verses 3 elements that are the norm for home players. The single lens type has a harder time reading the burned pits as oppoosed to the actual pits on a commercial CD. The lens also have a harder time reading the outside edge of a disc verses the inner area. This is why possibly I am having trouble at the end of the discs???

I also burn my CDR's at a slower speed to prevent high errors and use high quality name brand ones.

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