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Hello: On a 2001 996C2, i noticed the spoiler was not fully recessed when it closes, sticks up ~0.5 inch on the right side, left side is fine. All operation is fine.

The dealer said that it was due to a defective spoiler drive (motor?) and it is purely asthetic, will cost ~1100 to fix. But the part is $993!

Has anyone ever had this problem... is this something a novice DIYer can do? Really find $1100 for a fix a bit excessive. Also would you go used for this part or Suncoast (anyone know the part#)?



996.624.151.00 Spoiler Motor -- retail $131.77 (as of Dec 2005)

Hmm... maybe they got the part and labor mixed up?

I like that price... is there a difference between the Spoiler Drive and Spoiler Motor?

  • Admin

996.512.109.05 Drive Mechanism -- retail $992.03 (as of Dec 2005) item 12 in diagram

(motor is item 13)

I am sure Sunset can get you a better price...


996.512.109.05 Drive Mechanism -- retail $992.03 (as of Dec 2005) item 12 in diagram

(motor is item 13)

I am sure Sunset can get you a better price...


Thanks Loren... Called sunset, price is $855 shipped, so not bad but not great. Unfortunately it seems the drive mechanism part comes all together. Maybe an independent can actually fix it without replacing the whole thing, but I have a suspicion it is the transmission part of mechanism... not the motor.

Thanks again,



Ross, wondering if there are any parts that could be geting hung or may need lubrication, if it is only 1/2" off. Or one of the braces may have gotten bent? Just seems like a lot of dough for that problem.


I would take the mechanism apart and lube everything up, it's not that hard, may just need some lubrication. Also, put a post in the FS section, alot of guys have replaced their stock retractable spoilers with fixed ones, and I'm sure somebody will sell it to you cheap.


I am not getting it repaired yet, will definitely take a look to see if I can fix... however, I would be worried about messing something else up.

Currently, the car is under aftermarket warranty so going to see if they will cover (although I would be shocked if they do...)

Does anyone have any experience with this issue?


I have never seen it, but please let us know what the outcome is so we can all learn from your experience. Thanks

I have never seen it, but please let us know what the outcome is so we can all learn from your experience. Thanks

Will do.. Have been looking at some other 911s and noticed not all of them are fully recessed, some are slightly raised on one side, across, etc... I am only talking about 1/4"to 1/2", barely noticeable.

I am taking it to rennwerke in ny this weekend, and I bought another decklid with spoiler, etc. . .for $100! So much for an $1100 repair!



You might want to keep an eye on ebay. I often see rear lids with spoilers in the range of $500-$1,000. You could buy one and use the mechanism, then sell the rest of the parts or keep as spares. I don't see any listing rigth now, but they are there regularly.



Took the car to Rennwerke in Elmsford, NY and we looked at it together. Problem was easily tracked to Part #12 above. It seems the "spoiler transmission" that lifts the spoiler is shot... The piece I am referring to is the quarter-circle PVC pipe looking mechanism, on the right side near the spoiler motor.

The mechanic said you cannot open it because there are springs inside, really have to replace. In addition I think the spoilers days of lifting are numbered, because if the decklid is raised and the spoiler extended via the manual switch, the spoiler had trouble extending... in fact was lopsided when it came out.

In the end, I will have part 12 replaced. The dealer was right all along. Hope this helps people out... I don't think I am the only one who will have this issue.



Took the car to Rennwerke in Elmsford, NY and we looked at it together. Problem was easily tracked to Part #12 above. It seems the "spoiler transmission" that lifts the spoiler is shot... The piece I am referring to is the quarter-circle PVC pipe looking mechanism, on the right side near the spoiler motor.

The mechanic said you cannot open it because there are springs inside, really have to replace. In addition I think the spoilers days of lifting are numbered, because if the decklid is raised and the spoiler extended via the manual switch, the spoiler had trouble extending... in fact was lopsided when it came out.

In the end, I will have part 12 replaced. The dealer was right all along. Hope this helps people out... I don't think I am the only one who will have this issue.


He's wrong, you can take it apart, uses a small torx, there are no 'springs inside', there is a cable and slot mechanism that easily goes together. Your 'tech' has obviously never taken it apart as I have. Just pick the bones of the used peice you have, it's a 1hr job, max.

  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

Took the car to Rennwerke in Elmsford, NY and we looked at it together. Problem was easily tracked to Part #12 above. It seems the "spoiler transmission" that lifts the spoiler is shot... The piece I am referring to is the quarter-circle PVC pipe looking mechanism, on the right side near the spoiler motor.

The mechanic said you cannot open it because there are springs inside, really have to replace. In addition I think the spoilers days of lifting are numbered, because if the decklid is raised and the spoiler extended via the manual switch, the spoiler had trouble extending... in fact was lopsided when it came out.

In the end, I will have part 12 replaced. The dealer was right all along. Hope this helps people out... I don't think I am the only one who will have this issue.


He's wrong, you can take it apart, uses a small torx, there are no 'springs inside', there is a cable and slot mechanism that easily goes together. Your 'tech' has obviously never taken it apart as I have. Just pick the bones of the used peice you have, it's a 1hr job, max.

Is there a DIY on this? Thanks,


Edited by eleighty

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