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Bought a Navigation system from Sunset Imports, had my dealer install it, and they called and said it won't work because it's the wrong head unit. They said the head unit is keyed off my VIN.

Is that true?

The part Sunset Imports ordered for me is 987-044-900-72

Someone's wrong here, is it the dealer or Sunset?

Either way, it's going to cost me a ton. But I need to know who to argue with.



  • Admin

That part number is the only Tequipment US Nav system retrofit kit for both the Carrera (997) and Boxster (987). So if it is the wrong head then it must have come that way from the factory.

Do you know the part number of the head unit? and, How do they know it won't work?

There are different wave guides (fiber optic cables) for different options but the install TSB only shows one head unit.


Hi Loren,

Thanks for your reply. It sounds like the unit that came from the factory in the kit was the old head unit (the one prior to the front-trunk Nav DVD drive). Sunset Imports found TSB 9110 12/05, which addresses updating the software on it.

One head scratcher is why did that unit come with the '72 kit, where that kit also included the front-trunk Nav DVD drive? Another gotcha for me is the unit doesn't even turn on (although it lights up), so updating the software will be, um... tricky.

I left the car at the dealer tonight in hopes they can figure it out in the morning. But the pretzel logic of it all suggests they will fail.

Thanks for your help.


Posted (edited)

The dealer can't get it to work.

They said the head unit I got was the 997.642.101.11FMH unit, and that's the old/obsolite part that doesn't work with Bose sound nor with a front-trunk DVD drive.

They said the unit I need is the 997.642.101.11FMH unit.

Porsche is tellliing Sunset Imports that the .101.11FMH unit will work with my car.

My dealer can't even get the unit to turn on.

So who is right, the dealer or Sunset Imports?



Edited by tmc
  • Admin

I think your dealer needs to read TSB 1/04 9110 PCM2.1 & BOSE Amplifier Spare Parts Requirements (dated 7-05-05). This TSB describes how to upgrade from the old (no longer available PCM 2.1) to the newer design. The listing shows what replaces what and then gives 5 pages of instructions of how to update the software on both the PCM 2.1 and the BOSE amplifier.

If that does not work then I think you need to find a different dealer.

  • 2 months later...
They said the head unit I got was the 997.642.101.11FMH unit, and that's the old/obsolite part that doesn't work with Bose sound nor with a front-trunk DVD drive.

They said the unit I need is the 997.642.101.11FMH unit.

.. potentially going through the same thing, and am curious to know if you have a typo in the PN you have vs. the PN you were told you needed; they appear to be the same?? :unsure:


It turned out the dealer was RIGHT, and Sunset Imports (and Porsche NA) were wrong. Ultimately, the tech line of Porsche in Atlanta admitted their mistake and allowed the head unit to be exchanged.

If you want, put your service guy in touch with the service dept (and Chris Glen) at Leith Porsche in Cary, NC.

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