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I have a 2000 911 cab.. When you open the door its suppose to lower the windows a little bit in order to clear the top when it closes then it rises automatically. For some reason this stopped working only on the passenger side. The lock button by the radio is also lit up. Also the int lights don't come on when that door opens. Aside from that the window and locks work fine. I'm assuming the problem is with the sensor or mechanism that tells the computer that the door is actually closed. My question is were is the switch located that tells the computer that the door is closed?

  • Admin

Sounds like the door may have lost power.

Have you checked fuse C3 (third row down - third fuse from the left)?

If that is okay, then see if that door locks with the dash power lock switch. Also, does the power windows switch for that side move the window up and down?


Everything works ok and the fuse has to be ok b/c sometimes it works the problem is intermitent. I did notice though that when the problem is occuring the door lock button on the dash has a red light on it indicating that there is a problem with the lock I think.. Even though the door is locked correctly and locks and unlocks with the keyfob and with the button.. So i think its a problem with the sensor that tells the computer that the door is locked.. But then again i have no idea how these cars work so its just a guess. So my question is what is the part that tells the computer that the doors are locked and were is it?

Sounds like the door may have lost power.

Have you checked fuse C3 (third row down - third fuse from the left)?

If that is okay, then see if that door locks with the dash power lock switch. Also, does the power windows switch for that side move the window up and down?

  • Admin

Could be the switch on the door handle (inside the door). Try lifting and releasing the door handle - the window should drop about about 1/2 inch and then go back up when released.


It does drop the windows when i pull the door handle but it doesnt work all the time.. I did notice though that when its not working the light on the door lock key remains lit on the dash indicating that the door is not locked at least i think thats what it means it also beeps twice when the problem is occuring.

  • Admin

That condition should trigger an open alarm sensor when read with a PST2. If you can find a shop (or racer, or private individual) with a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester it should be a fairly easy diagnosis. Where are you located?


I noticed my passenger window is doing this also. Everything works ok on its own, but probably 2 out of 5 times, the window does not go down when the door opens and then bangs on the weather gutter or worse, hits the rear side window glass. I usually try to hit the switch manually when the girlfriend gets out and lower it a few before she slams the door, arrgh. Should I take the panels off and look inside, or will I be able to tell what is going wrong in there?

PS- I replaced my 4 spoke steering with a new 3-spoke yesterday by following your post on here, Loren, thanks!


Try this short trick just in case.

Open the window all the way down using the one-touch.

When down hold the down buttons on both windows for about 3 seconds.

Close the widowns using the one-touch.

Hold down the close buttons for both windows for about 3 seconds. You should hear a faint "click" sound.

Repeat the process twice.

Now see if the windows are working properly and lowers when opening the door.



I heard the clicks when I did that, but the passenger side is still malfunctioning when I open the door. Also I noticed if I push the window down to that certain amount after I open the door, it will go back up correctly when I close it. (???) Thanks for that idea though. Is that to reset the limits after a battery disconnect or something similar?

I heard the clicks when I did that, but the passenger side is still malfunctioning when I open the door. Also I noticed if I push the window down to that certain amount after I open the door, it will go back up correctly when I close it. (???) Thanks for that idea though. Is that to reset the limits after a battery disconnect or something similar?

Something like that. It had worked for me, but had to do it 2-3 times in a row. The battery diconnect is not a bad idea either, cheap to do. Just make sure you have the radio codes, and leave the battery off for 5-10 mins.

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