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I read tidbits of people with an engine skid plate, sometimes recommended

for lowered cars.

Is this a Porsche factory piece? Anybody have a picture of one?




Is it a good idea to add that skid plate?

Do you happen to know the part number, and where's a good place to get it?



  • Admin

Stainless steel vs the soft magnesium aluminum alloy of the engine case. I've heard it does a good job. It really for low driveways, backing into curbs, or other obstructions. I don't think it was intended for off-road racing.


I have a Porsche parts catalog CD-ROM, and I was wondering if

this protection plate would be listed in there? I searched for that

part number in the 996 USA and DE sections and got no hits, and a

visual scan of the pictorials didn't show anything.

The CD I have is "Originalteile - Katalog / Genuine Parts Catalogue"

"The data on this CD-ROM represent the technical status from April 2005."


According to the Carnewal website, the plate weighs 0.8 kg.

That can't be much of a skid plate.

I think it protects the hoses around that area more than the case.


I added one of these to our '02 Carrera. I got it from Gert at carnewal. The car was used and already had a few hits on the oil pan (plate). This part was recommended to me by a Porsche Tec. I've been glad I had it as I have used it (unintensionaly) a couple of times. I would rather put a little scratch in the ss than a big gouge in the softer oil pan.


It's pretty self explanatory. You line up the drain hole see wherer the bolt holes go, remove those bolts and reinstall. How well does it work? I have one and scraped my oil pan on a speed bump or somethign before I had it. My car was at gt3 spec and I heard it hit once. I can't say anything about driveways as I always angle just to get in and out.

how hard is the install? my car is lowered and have been kicking around installing one of these.

Very easy.

You're using existing bolts to install the plate.

Jack the rear end up and secure it uisng jack stands.

Please the plate just underneath the oil pan and try to match the holes on the plate with existing bolts around the oil pan.

You may turn the plate around to find the correct orientation.

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