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Anybody out there know if its a lot of hassle to replace the onboard computer with a factory Satnav?('03 996 C2) I suppose that there is a bit more to it than just unplugging one display and plugging in the new one......


Are you asking about a PCM2 retrofit?

If so there is a DIY here.

Yes,that looks like what I wanted to know--Thanks!

Loren, any idea on the cost of the system?

I might want to do it eventually.

  • Admin
Loren, any idea on the cost of the system?

I might want to do it eventually.

Try PMing the DIY author or get your parts list (including fiber optic cable) and then I can look up retail (MSRP).
Loren, any idea on the cost of the system?

I might want to do it eventually.

Try PMing the DIY author or get your parts list (including fiber optic cable) and then I can look up retail (MSRP).

As an aside, if you dont' need the map itself, but still have excellent directions, look in to the Becker Traffic Pro. That is virtually a plug in and the only difficulty is the antenna as previously discussed. You get road names, excellent verbal directions. Very easy to use. and probably a lot cheaper :)

Posted (edited)
Loren, any idea on the cost of the system?

I might want to do it eventually.

Try PMing the DIY author or get your parts list (including fiber optic cable) and then I can look up retail (MSRP).

Here is the parts list:

1 ea 000 044 900 70 PCM2 Retrofit Kit

The retrofit kit contains the main PCM2 unit, navigation module and the following parts:

1 ea 996 552 339 00 01C (use your trim color code - 01C is satin black) A/C Panel Trim

1 ea 996 642 206 00 GPS Antenna

1 ea 996 612 009 00 GPS Antenna Lead

1 ea 996 552 231 12 01C (use your trim color code - 01C is satin black) Support Frame

1 ea 996 552 653 02 Retaining Bracket

Hopefully it's under 2K.

Thanks for all your help Loren...

Edited by Gabo2k
  • Admin

000 044 900 70 PCM2 Retrofit Kit -- Retail $4363.77 (as of Oct 2005)

and you still need a fiber optic cable for your cars options. Check with the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a better price.

As an aside, if you dont' need the map itself, but still have excellent directions, look in to the Becker Traffic Pro. That is virtually a plug in and the only difficulty is the antenna as previously discussed. You get road names, excellent verbal directions. Very easy to use. and probably a lot cheaper :)

Does the Becker Traffic Pro work in the United States? Also, would it be compatible in a 2000 996 cab?

000 044 900 70 PCM2 Retrofit Kit -- Retail $4363.77 (as of Oct 2005)

and you still need a fiber optic cable for your cars options. Check with the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a better price.

I guess I'll be skipping this upgrade...

Thanks for the infor Loren.

  • Admin

000 044 900 70 PCM2 Retrofit Kit -- Retail $4363.77 (as of Oct 2005)

and you still need a fiber optic cable for your cars options. Check with the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for a better price.

I guess I'll be skipping this upgrade...

Thanks for the infor Loren.

Shop around - especially at Sunset Imports. The price I quoted is List Price - and you can get it for less than that.

Get an Eclipse or Kenwood one w touch screen. The only downside is you'll have to re-wire your audio since 03+ has MOST. You'll be able to get new map updates. I doubt if Navtech will support PCM2 for long.

  • 2 months later...

I know this question has been asked many times, but I haven't yet found a solution.

Has anyone discovered a way to retrofit PCM1 or 2 into a MY2001 996 Cab (Australian spec)? I currently have a CDR220 but would very much like to have navigation. Not too keen on the Becker Traffic Pro things, but would go down that route if PCM isn't possible.


Rather than spending 2K on an installed NAV, what about spending less than half on a Garmin or Neverlost system that you can move from car to car and that is just better and easier to use. it also is closer to your view when looking out of the windscreen rather than peeking down to find the display. And lastly , when you sell you Porsche ( to upgrade to a GT3 of course) you just unplug it and take it with you to your next car.



I know this question has been asked many times, but I haven't yet found a solution.

Has anyone discovered a way to retrofit PCM1 or 2 into a MY2001 996 Cab (Australian spec)? I currently have a CDR220 but would very much like to have navigation. Not too keen on the Becker Traffic Pro things, but would go down that route if PCM isn't possible.

Good point. I'm investigating a Garmin 2720 and/or a TomTom 300. The Garmin has satellite radio adapter and the TomTom is Blue Tooth friendly. This is for my wife's 91 Cab. I think I'll go with the TomTom because of the hand's free phone opportunities. List is 899, but you can shop around for around 700 complete. The TomTom website has all the contact info and suppliers.

They both have touch screen and both also have a remote so a passenger can operate w/o driver input...that is if you trust your wife to enter directions :)

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