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Well, I just bought a 2005 Boxster and in under 4000 miles, it looks like I may have at least one major problem--the dreaded rms. :(

But I also noticed something else that may indicate a problem. I had to add one notch worth of oil (0.4 liters) after my trip cross country (approx 2000 miles). Since some oil is dripping from the rms, I can understand having to add some.

But the drip is very slow--maybe 10 drops after a week while the car is sitting, and about 10 drops while driving on the highway for 20 minutes. What I'm wondering is that enough to add up to the 0.4 liters I added or is the engine consuming more than it should? Any opinions appreciated.

Well, I just bought a 2005 Boxster and in under 4000 miles, it looks like I may have at least one major problem--the dreaded rms. :(

But I also noticed something else that may indicate a problem. I had to add one notch worth of oil (0.4 liters) after my trip cross country (approx 2000 miles). Since some oil is dripping from the rms, I can understand having to add some.

But the drip is very slow--maybe 10 drops after a week while the car is sitting, and about 10 drops while driving on the highway for 20 minutes. What I'm wondering is that enough to add up to the 0.4 liters I added or is the engine consuming more than it should? Any opinions appreciated.

RMS is pretty straightforward to diagnose...take to dealer.

But a little oil consumption may be normal. If you are seeing tablespoons of oil where you park it each night, it's more likely a RMS issue or another seal issue in the rear. But nothing is 100% until it is diagnosed properly.

If it continues, I'd get it to a dealer for review....it's under warranty, and a RMS replacement is no big deal nowadays.


Well, I just bought a 2005 Boxster and in under 4000 miles, it looks like I may have at least one major problem--the dreaded rms. :(

But I also noticed something else that may indicate a problem. I had to add one notch worth of oil (0.4 liters) after my trip cross country (approx 2000 miles). Since some oil is dripping from the rms, I can understand having to add some.

But the drip is very slow--maybe 10 drops after a week while the car is sitting, and about 10 drops while driving on the highway for 20 minutes. What I'm wondering is that enough to add up to the 0.4 liters I added or is the engine consuming more than it should? Any opinions appreciated.

RMS is pretty straightforward to diagnose...take to dealer.

But a little oil consumption may be normal. If you are seeing tablespoons of oil where you park it each night, it's more likely a RMS issue or another seal issue in the rear. But nothing is 100% until it is diagnosed properly.

If it continues, I'd get it to a dealer for review....it's under warranty, and a RMS replacement is no big deal nowadays.

I stopped by the dealer yesterday and met a very active member of our local Porsche club as well as the service manager. They were looking over a new Cayman S. I also talked to the parts department and sales managers. They just opened not even a month ago, but were already doing RMS seal work. In the parts department, that's the single most purchased part so far. :D
.... I had to add one notch worth of oil (0.4 liters) after my trip cross country (approx 2000 miles). Since some oil is dripping from the rms, I can understand having to add some.

My 02S uses about 1 liter every 3000 miles. This has been true with the RMS leak (replaced at about 5 months) without the RMS leak and with a recent possible second RMS leak. (My mechanic says I have RMS leak, but since I see no oil on the floor and am 2,000 miles past warrantee, and didn't see massive oil when I replaced the cluitch this summer, it doesn't seem like a problem I will worry about right now. )


Thank you for the reply. I guess my oil consumption is about normal when compared to your car. My RMS is very similar to yours except I do get a little bit of oil dripping.

Thank you for the reply. I guess my oil consumption is about normal when compared to your car. My RMS is very similar to yours except I do get a little bit of oil dripping.

2005 Boxster S burns about 1/2 quart per roughly 2000 miles. It is my "high speed grocery getter"; it is never driven lightly.

Not sure if this is "normal" consumption, but something to compare against I suppose.


Thank you for the reply. I guess my oil consumption is about normal when compared to your car. My RMS is very similar to yours except I do get a little bit of oil dripping.

2005 Boxster S burns about 1/2 quart per roughly 2000 miles. It is my "high speed grocery getter"; it is never driven lightly.

Not sure if this is "normal" consumption, but something to compare against I suppose.

haha...where do you put the groceries? :eek:

Thank you for your reply. Yep, I'm just trying to compare with others' usage. I'm sure the official figure is probably next to nothing, but with an RMS problem already brewing at <4k miles, I'm sure my car isn't perfect. Maybe I got one built on Friday. :(

Posted (edited)
Mobil 1 0W-40

.. is that for all regions?

I can't for the life of me recall what I had bought for refills, but it was exactly what I had written down as the words had left the service manager's mouth... and for whatever reason, I'm not thinking it was Mobile 1 0W-40.

<edit> I'll be damned, it IS 0W-40.

Edited by mbodo

Since we're on the topic of approved oils, what others besides the Mobile 1 0-40w meet the standard? I'm sure there's a link to a list here somewhere, but I can't find it. :(

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