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to anyone with the third radiator, looking at it front the front, does yours tilt forward or backward? i had mine installed and it seems that the only way it can be installed is tilting towards the back of the car whereas the gt2 third radiator tilts towards the front.

  • Admin
Posted (edited)

Yes, the top of the 3rd radiator tilts towards the back of the car. So when it is mounted the bottom is closest to the front. On a GT2 the hot air goes out the top through a vent in the bumper - on a Carrera/GT3 it goes out the bottom under the car. Kind of hard to see in the pic...


Edited by Loren

thx loren. i have seen your picture but i just wanted to make sure :cheers:

after i had mine installed i expected temps to be lower but, in my case, it seemed to have no effect. one major problem is that, because of my aftermarket gt2 look bumper, i didn't use the included ducting. i think i either have to make the ducting "fit", make my own ducting or convert it to gt2 type of ducting/orientation.

Yes, the top of the 3rd radiator tilts towards the back of the car. So when it is mounted the bottom is closest to the front. On a GT2 the hot air goes out the top through a vent in the bumper - on a Carrera/GT3 it goes out the bottom under the car. Kind of hard to see in the pic...

Why would you expect that adding more cooling capability would result in your engine running cooler??

It's the thermostat that determines how HOT the engine runs and unless your engine tended to overheat you just needlessly spent huge bucks.

Either way were it me I would move the A/C condensor functionality to the center and improve the engine cooling efficiency that way.

Posted (edited)

it's fine for the street but i track the 996 regularly. hey, the gt2, gt3, cup cars RSRs have the third radiator so it must be there for a reason ;)

i'd like to reconfigure the rads to RSR style, venting out the sides of the bumper, but the bumper is too aggressive for the street.

btw, i wouldn't expect it to run cooler since the engine has an ideal running temp but i do expect the temps to remain more constant at the track. the needle has been between the 2 and the 5 and a couple of times at the 5 and just past it on a couple of hot track days.

good idea though regarding the ac condensers.

Why would you expect that adding more cooling capability would result in your engine running cooler??

It's the thermostat that determines how HOT the engine runs and unless your engine tended to overheat you just needlessly spent huge bucks.

Either way were it me I would move the A/C condensor functionality to the center and improve the engine cooling efficiency that way.

Edited by karlooz

This temp issue is an interesting one. I have been told that many car manufacturers now install a gauge that really does not indicate the actual temperature based on actual degrees measured but it presents a reading with is more geared toward low-medium-high. Customer / drivers are gettingworried when the arrow gets close to the red and dive into dealerships stating that something is wrong.... Seems that the gauge in many cars is the same as an idiot light ! Maybe in the case of Porsche it shows actual temps which fluctuates pretty up and down based on actual cooling and temperature of the coolant. My temp gauge needle always is between the 8 and the 0 during normal driving but in summer time , and stop and start traffic,it will go to the middle between 280 and 250.

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