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Asked the Rennlist fellows about this and they suggested either racoons or a car going by with a loud bass blaring. Neither of these are possible and it is still going off, sometimes in the middle of the night! So I have taken out the fuse, Row C Pos 3, but I've got no idea why its doing it. Its been quietly sitting in the garage now for 18 months, and nothing can get access to it. Any ideas :(

  • Admin

You need to find someone with a PST2 (or PIWIS) and see what sensor is triggering. The PST2 can also test each alarm section (without actually setting the alarm off).


munro, have similiar problem, think its either the tilt sensor or the internal motion sensor which is likely to be playing up, either way would prob need a visit to OPC or specialist.

Is fuse, Row C Pos 3 used to disable the alarm and would this work for a boxster?

Many thanks.

munro, have similiar problem, think its either the tilt sensor or the internal motion sensor which is likely to be playing up, either way would prob need a visit to OPC or specialist.

Is fuse, Row C Pos 3 used to disable the alarm and would this work for a boxster?

Many thanks.

I'm not really sure about the Boxster, you'd probably get a better answer from Loren. The main reason I took the fuse out was that if I just locked the car with the key, the alarm would automatically re-arm itself.So I thought I'll just leave the doors closed and lock the garage door. The problem with this is that the interior door light would remain on, so I took the fuse out which is also for the alarm circuit. The car is now not armed, but theres no lights on which would have run the battery down over time. Have a look in the little code book which is housed in the fuse box cover which is located in the foot well on the 996.I'll be taking her into the Porsche people asap.



Had the same problem on my 99, spastic alarm. Loren found it was a badly installed stereo, so the car kept thinking "THIEF!!!" and would set of the alarm. He fixed it. :clapping: :beer:


I had the same problem about a year ago. Turned out to be my battery was dying slowly. The frequency of the alarm going off increased as the battery got older and the voltage fluctuated more often. Figured it out when the starter labored to turn the engine over after driving several miles and tried to restart. Replaced the battery and have not had a problem since. :clapping:


The battery is only 18 minths old, but curiously it was hard to start the other day. It cranked quite a few times before firing. Another thing, would the fact that the car sits ,say a maximum of 14 days at a time, affect the battery?

Thanks again guys


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