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Does anyone have a copy of an 2001 C2 Cab Owners Manual in pdf format. I will not get delivery of my car for another week, but I want to read up on it. If someone could send me a link or the actual file I would appreciate it.




Not sure it the link is available to non-contributing members but if you look at the top of every page at the link listed at top there is one that says "Porsche Manuals".

If you are not a contributing member, consider helping support this site that Loren has put together with a wealth of information such as manual available as downloads in pdf format, etc.


I have checked that area and they only have the manuals for MY 2003.

I am not sure if I am a contributing member, but I just joined the forums and I just bought my first p car. I did not know you had to be an expert or a long-time porsche owner to use this site.

I do not know where to get information such as manual's and stuff, that is why I asked here.

  • Admin

We do not have some of the older manuals on the site. I bought a MY04 GT3 manual because we did not have one - it was $18 from Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost - at the top of every page).

Posted (edited)


First, you would know if you ARE a contributing member since you would remember donating to this site since there is a paypal link at the bottom of every page to help help Loren defray some of the operating costs of this great site.

Second, loose the attitude. Nobody said you had to be an expert or long time Porsche owner to participate in this website.

Using the search feature of this site and/or giving more information about your car, etc., when asking for help will go a long way to making this a more beneficial experience for you.

Edited by LVDell

First, you would know if you ARE a contributing member since you would remember donating to this site since there is a paypal link at the bottom of every page to help help Loren defray some of the operating costs of this great site.

Second, loose the attitude.  Nobody said you had to be an expert or long time Porsche owner to participate in this website.

Using the search feature of this site and/or giving more information about your car, etc., when asking for help will go a long way to making this a more beneficial experience for you.

LVDell - I did not know it was necessary to donate to this site. I happened to stumble acrosss it when I did a google search. It said nothing about donating. I will gladly donate to the site since I find it very useful and informative about prosches and being a newbie, ever bit of information helps.

Secondly, maybe the preacher should do what he preaches. You are the one that came on the thread with the attitude. You made it seems as if I had to have indepth knowledge about porsche cars with the remark "consider helping support this site that Loren has put together with a wealth of information such as manual available as downloads in pdf format, etc." If I had a wealth of information, I would offer some..... If I could contribute, I would.

Posted (edited)

My you are quite the defensive person. All I said was that I wasn't sure if the link was available to non-contributing members......thus, if it wasn't then you should consider donating to the site to have access to those things. That's it, nothing more, nothing less. At no time did I say it was mandatory nor imply that it was.

And where in the world to you come off saying that I told you that you needed in depth knowldege? You got all of that from what I said. You my friend, are wound a bit too tight and a bit hyperparanoid. Please relax, go back a re-read the entire thread and you will quickly realize that it is YOU that is out of line and making stuff up.

I do everything I can to help newbie's like yourself since I got the very same help the day I come on for the first time. But with the confrontational style you exhibit you will NEVER get the support or help you are looking for. Remember, it is YOU that wants the help, not us. We are just glad to give it.

Edited by LVDell
Posted (edited)
My you are quite the defensive person.  All I said was that I wasn't sure if the link was available to non-contributing members......thus, if it wasn't then you should consider donating to the site to have access to those things.  That's it, nothing more, nothing less.  At no time did I say it was mandatory nor imply that it was. 

And where in the world to you come off saying that I told you that you needed in depth knowldege?  You got all of that from what I said.  You my friend, are wound a bit too tight and a bit hyperparanoid.  Please relax, go back a re-read the entire thread and you will quickly realize that it is YOU that is out of line and making stuff up. 

I do everything I can to help newbie's like yourself since I got the very same help the day I come on for the first time.  But with the confrontational style you exhibit you will NEVER get the support or help you are looking for.  Remember, it is YOU that wants the help, not us.  We are just glad to give it.

Yeah you are right, from you I do not think I will get any help. Let alone want it.

I do not see how I get from asking for a simple thing like a manual, and I end up in a debate about what I should and should not do with a forum.

Loren can you please delete this thread. Thanks.

Edited by 911porschefan
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