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Hi there.

I was driving along tonight, and on came a warning. It showed the oil can symbol, and said "Failure Indicator". So I was concerned, so I pulled over.

I checked the oil level on the on-board computer and it showed it to be just below the minimum line.

I then got out of the vehicle and checked the oil level with the dipstick. On the dipstick the oil was near the 'max line'. Looked fine.

I was only a couple kilometers from home so I drove home. No problems, but the Oil "Failure Indicator" came on again when i started the car. The vehicle seemed to operate correctly otherwise.

Any Ideas? Is my car safe to drive?


Oh, I have a 2002 Carrera 4 Cabriolet.


  • Admin

Has your engine ever been replaced?

There is a TSB (4/04 1001 dated 10-22-2004) warning that newer engines have the oil level sensor positioned lower in the crankcase. So if your engine was replaced and they failed to recalibrate the instrument cluster - you would get wrong readings.


There is also a TSB (8/02 9020 dated 12-13-2002) for for replacement clusters with a similar warning - that a newer engine will need to have the cluster recalibrated for the new oil level sensor position.


You could just have a bad oil level sensor. (Same thing just happened on my AMG CLK55 - danger oil warning and the dipstick said it was full - I replaced the oil sensor and all is fine).

If you know someone with a PST2 (or PIWIS) - a bad sender can be caught with an instrument cluster error code 9122.


Ok, well as far as I know the engine was never replaced. The vehicle is under warranty. I obtained it a few months ago, and have put about 3000 km on it up to now without this warning occurring.

I get the feeling that it might be a bad oil sensor.

Do you think my vehicle is safe to drive? The dipstick repeatedly shows the oil level to be ok.



Has your engine ever been replaced?

There is a TSB (4/04 1001 dated 10-22-2004) warning that newer engines have the oil level sensor positioned lower in the crankcase. So if your engine was replaced and they failed to recalibrate the instrument cluster - you would get wrong readings.


There is also a TSB (8/02 9020 dated 12-13-2002) for for replacement clusters with a similar warning - that a newer engine will need to have the cluster recalibrated for the new oil level sensor position.


You could just have a bad oil level sensor. (Same thing just happened on my AMG CLK55 - danger oil warning and the dipstick said it was full - I replaced the oil sensor and all is fine).

If you know someone with a PST2 (or PIWIS)  - a bad sender can be caught with an instrument cluster error code 9122.


Thanks for help. Porsche service states that the on board computer is more accurate. Suggest adding more oil. They say it is safe to drive.

However, I am a little concerned even if this is simply a low oil situation. I just had my oil changed about 1500 km ago. I'm worried may have an oil leak. Where should I be looking. have not seen any oil patches on the asphalt.



If it's under warranty let the dealer decide to tow or drive the car for service. That way there will be no denial claims.


So I added 0.5 L of oil, and checked the level on the on-board computer. It showed one mark over the minimum. I then added the other half a liter of oil and checked again. This time the level on the computer showed 3 marks under maximum. So I left it at this level. The next morning however I checked the computer, and to my suprise the oil level now shows all bars full (ie over the max!). This is confirmed by dipstick.

I don't understand how I could go from below minimum to over maximum with only 1 liter of oil. It was my understanding that the difference between min and max is 1.33 quarts = 1.25 liters.

Any explanations? Should I be concerned about this degree of overfill?



Make sure you check the oil when at operating temp - 180F. Only then will you get an accurate reading from either the dipstick, or the instrument gauge. Add oil if necessary after checking at operating temp.


Good point.

If you check when 'cool', will the dipstick and instrument guage over or underestimate the value?

Make sure you check the oil when at operating temp - 180F. Only then will you get an accurate reading from either the dipstick, or the instrument gauge. Add oil if necessary after checking at operating temp.


If you check when cool, the oil is not in its heated/expanded state - so it will read lower on the dipstick/gauge........Cold = underestimate

This also means that when cold, and if the oil reads to the full mark on the dipstick/gauge - it will become overfull when hot.

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