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I had the infamous airbag lights on. I performed the TSB and took my 99 C4 coupe to the dealer to reset the light. They told me that I need a new sensor (I guess this is the triggering unit 996-618-219-02) I got a new sensor, and want to know what do I need to do after I install it. Do I have to go to the dealer to reset again? The manual talks about “Locking” the unit, what is this? Also, can anyone give me a pointer as to the location of the sensor. I know that is under the dash, but that is the best I can get out of the manual I am using.

You will need a PST2 (or PIWIS) and a Porsche code (delivered to a dealer) to lock the unit. I'm pretty sure this is for legal reasons.

Thakn you Loren. Could you tell me where the unit is lockated?

  • Admin
Posted (edited)

According to the wiring diagrams - in the front luggage compartment near the battery/firewall.

^^^ Wrong - Sandy corrected me that the wiring diagrams are wrong. It is in the interior. I think Sandy will post a pic.

Edited by Loren
I had the infamous airbag lights on. I performed the TSB and took my 99 C4 coupe to the dealer to reset the light. They told me that I need a new sensor (I guess this is the triggering unit 996-618-219-02) I got a new sensor, and want to know what do I need to do after I install it. Do I have to go to the dealer to reset again?  The manual talks about “Locking” the unit, what is this? Also, can anyone give me a pointer as to the location of the sensor. I know that is under the dash, but that is the best I can get out of the manual I am using.

Here's the unit's location on my '99 C2 Coupe.

It's mounted on the floor hump, at the bottom of the forward lower console, underneath the dash. You can just make out the mating yellow electrical connector (orange handle) at its left side. There's a large orange warning label on the top surface of its right side.

You can gain complete access to the unit by removing the carpeted, triangular side-panels at the base of the center console. To remove each panel, unsnap it by pulling gently outward its the forward edge, then slide the panel forward a bit to disengage its aft edge from the base of the console.


Posted (edited)

You are also going to need a special socket to remove the breakaway nuts on the triggering unit. One nut is a regular 10mm nut and the other two or three are special. The socket is about 40 bucks (for a 1/4" drive socket!) if you order through your parts department. I dont know the tool number off hand.

The triggering unit is located in the same spot for all boxsters and 996 all the way up to 997 and 987.

Edited by PTEC
You are also going to need a special socket to remove the breakaway nuts on the triggering unit.  One nut is a regular 10mm nut and the other two or three are special.  The socket is about 40 bucks (for a 1/4" drive socket!)  if you order through your parts department.  I dont know the tool number off hand.

The triggering unit is located in the same spot for all boxsters and 996 all the way up to 997 and 987.

Thank you all...I will take it to the dealer...I talked them into doing it for free...after they charged me for testing it to begin with...

JUST FYI the unit itself was $169 at sunset. The number is 996-618-219-02 this is the one suggested by the TSB.

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