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I am searching for the complete wiring diagrams for the 987.

Unfortunately everything regarding the 986 and 987 has changed.

If you could help with some information please contact me!

Regards, Sven

  • Admin

I have the preliminary 997 service manual and the wiring diagrams are not in it yet - so I doubt the 987 wiring diagrams are out yet either. In the past they have usually come out 8-10 months after the first car ships. I'll keep my eyes open though...


Wiring diagrams in paper form are not going to be released for the 987/997. They are electronic and accessed with the PIWIS.

Posted (edited)
Wiring diagrams in paper form are not going to be released for the 987/997. They are electronic and accessed with the PIWIS.


please tell me more about the PIWIS. I think it's an ONLINE system for the porsche dealers?

Regards, Sven

Edited by sinus
PIWIS - about 18,000 USD per year to lease.


Holy cow. How much for just the software, looks like it's Win32, kind of like the SAAB WIS example I posted in the "Part number request" forum.


As we do not need the diagnostic function, is there a way to get only the manuals and wiring diagrams from this system?

Regards, Sven

  • Admin
As we do not need the diagnostic function, is there a way to get only the manuals and wiring diagrams from this system?

Regards, Sven

At this point it does not look like it. I think you might have to pay for the Adobe Acrobat (PDF) files from Porsche Technical Information website. In the US they cost $110 per manual section or $5200/per year. They show the 997 wiring diagrams are available there for $110. Just remember what you get for $110 is what is "currently" available if they update or correct that section of the manual you have to pay the full price again to get the updates.

Porsche is charging 3 to 10 times more that other manufacturers for this type of data (even more than Mercedes!)... In the US they are currently required by law to make this information available - unfortunately the law only "suggests" a reasonable cost for access to it. Please don't get me started on this as I have a very strong opinion on that... :angry: :angry: :angry:

  • 4 months later...

I have the wiring diagrams for the 2005 997 and 987 if that is any help. I have noticed that the manuals have more than doubled since I got my sets for the 997 and 987. Perhaps a few other members that are interested in trying to maintain a current set could email me and we can see what we can do.

  • 1 year later...
I have the wiring diagrams for the 2005 997 and 987 if that is any help. I have noticed that the manuals have more than doubled since I got my sets for the 997 and 987. Perhaps a few other members that are interested in trying to maintain a current set could email me and we can see what we can do.

Can you please help me as I think I need the wire diagram for the radio as I want to ask the performance shop to rewire a FM transmitter wire for my ipod as I only have a cd24 radio without PCM.

2nd I am having a hell of time trying to install my HID conversion kit and the lights would flicker or 1 would turn on and 1 woudl turn off. I bought the xetronix set with some sort of computer tricker or destabilizer (not sure) but the guy states that should fix it. HOwever as you guessed, that didn't help. So I am done 550 dollars and cannot get the darn lights to work.

I thought to take the wire schematics to the performance / electrical shop to have them add on maybe some relays or diodes because it seemed to be an electrical problem and not the problem of the HID.

please advise.


I have a 2005 987 non s with retarded halogens and useless radio


I have the wiring diagrams for the 2005 997 and 987 if that is any help. I have noticed that the manuals have more than doubled since I got my sets for the 997 and 987. Perhaps a few other members that are interested in trying to maintain a current set could email me and we can see what we can do.

Can you please help me as I think I need the wire diagram for the radio as I want to ask the performance shop to rewire a FM transmitter wire for my ipod as I only have a cd24 radio without PCM.

2nd I am having a hell of time trying to install my HID conversion kit and the lights would flicker or 1 would turn on and 1 woudl turn off. I bought the xetronix set with some sort of computer tricker or destabilizer (not sure) but the guy states that should fix it. HOwever as you guessed, that didn't help. So I am done 550 dollars and cannot get the darn lights to work.

I thought to take the wire schematics to the performance / electrical shop to have them add on maybe some relays or diodes because it seemed to be an electrical problem and not the problem of the HID.

please advise.


I have a 2005 987 non s with retarded halogens and useless radio


tmoney, you have a pm... also, check out my posts on aftermarket HID kits and the 987.

  • 5 years later...
  • Admin

Im looking for wiring diagrams too 987 05 will do, if anyone can help please let me know

Please read post #9 above.

He says he has all of them.

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