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Hey everybody,

I just purchased a 6-speed '99 c2 coupe, silver with red interior. It was $34,000 and has 65k miles on it. It looks similar to Loren's car. Anyways, I can say that it is the best car that I have driven. I just sold my '99 m3 and was looking for either a 996 or a corvette z06. The corvette had ALOT of power, but the shifting felt clunky and it didn't have the communicative feeling that the 996 has. So in the end I went with the porsche. Being a new owner I just had a couple of questions.

First, I read in the owner's manual that you should never let it Idle to warm. What is the reason for this? Someone told me it might just be an emissions thing, but I wanted to know for sure.

Secondly, with it being a higher mileage car, should I be worried about driving it hard. I normally don't open up the throttle, but i like to feel the full power sometimes.

Also, driving around town or on the freeway what is the best RPM to be at. I don't want to lug it but I also don't know how high I should keep the revs.

And finally, are the wheels that are on it factory wheels? I don't remember seeing them on the other cars i've looked at.

Thanks for your help, this is a great site.





Nick, welcome to the fold!

It is a very nice looking car that you have purchased, congratulations and enjoy the ride :clapping:

Don't know about your first question but on number two; I like to shift at about 4K RPM for normal driving. Of course road conditions matter but you can hear/feel the engine when it's happy. On the interstate when cruising for best MPG/less engine wear, the lower the RPMs the better. 6th in these cars is amazing!



Congrats on the car. The manual addresses the shifting question. Those wheels do look aftermarket. I let my car warm up a little but only a minute or two. I have never heard it is bad to let it idle up to normal temp. I wouldn't think it would do any damage to the engine.


The wheels looks very similar to the "18" SportClassic II wheel" that was available before to the 996 and 986.

// Niclas


Yes those are the sport wheels offered by Porsche similar to the 10 spoke sport designs II.

Welcome to the board! Your car isn't really considered to by "high" milage yet so please enjoy and drive her like she should. In the morning or when cold let it warm until it drops down to 700 or so on the RPMs from 1000'ish.

As far as shifting goes well, I'll leave that up to you but most of my street driving calls for 3500-5500..... Of course you can always choose yours accordingly.


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