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Posted (edited)

My light is back on only after maybe 50 miles and 3 days worth of driving :censored:

Edited by gcp

qcp - did you try testing to see if you have an air leak around the throttle air intake? Its is easy to track down and from recent board experience, it is a fairly common issue...

My light is back on only after maybe 50 miles and 3 days worth of driving  :censored:

Posted (edited)
qcp - did you try testing to see if you have an air leak around the throttle air intake?  Its is easy to track down and from recent board experience, it is a fairly common issue...

My light is back on only after maybe 50 miles and 3 days worth of driving  :censored:

Took my 01 911C2 back to the dealer and he said that it was the MAF, I did ask him to check the throttle intake bolts. This seems to make sense to me due to the fact that i had a massive air leak, which let a lot of dirt into the air flow manifold. In addition, it seems that these things die around 50K miles... and I still have the original MAF. Ross

Edited by rcg412

Guys, I finally bought the Torx bits so I removed/inspected the MAF. It looked brand new, no dirty or film what so ever on it.

So, I took the car back to AutoZone for use of their OBDII, which reported P1128 again but this time it printed out that the failure is due to the Fuel Air Metering. I zeroed it again so lets see how long it lasts.


1) You cannot tell by looking at it with your eyeballs if the MAF is contaminated. If you do not have the equipment to read the output of the MAF while the engine is running then you have no idea what is happening.

2) Depending on the magnitude of the problem the CEL may take a while (50-200 miles) before it comes back on unless you have the equipment to monitor the engine in real time.

Bottom line is that you can tighten bolts, clean mafs, change the plugs, replace the fuel filter, etc. but unless you have the equipment to monitor the engine while it is running you are taking shots in the dark.

Spend the $150-$500 and get a laptop/palm based OBDII reader.


I meant to say in #2 that after you clear the CEL and then monitor the engine in real time you will see pending codes turn up quickly (within 20 miles) if you have a problem. A pending code is where the ECU has detected a problem, is monitoring the situation and if the problem persists the ECU will then eventually illuminate the CEL.


"Spend the $150-$500 and get a laptop/palm based OBDII reader"

ar38070, can you please provide details on the above? I'd like to buy a decent reader but I'm new at this.

All help will appreciated,


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