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Posted (edited)

Recently purchased a 2004 Cab.  Top closes fine and windows roll up.   When trying to lower,   it seems to hang up throughout the process.  Press the top button again and goes a little further.   It won't go past the top laying flat.   Deck doesn't come foward and flaps don't come up.    Attached Duramatic and attempted to calibrate,  it didn't do anything when selected.  Could my module have issues?  How do you test?  

Edited by ZDLT4
Added more detail
Posted (edited)

I attempted to use a Durametric scanner to calibrate the top and it wouldn't do anything.  Said the command was sent but nothing happened.  The pointer just circled around and around as if it were thinking...  If top is partially down, it will go up normally and complete the cycle as it should.  When I try to retract it, it hangs up just before the deck lid and side flaps move back into position.  How does one determine if the module is bad?  

Edited by ZDLT4
more detail
Posted (edited)

Are you sure your L or R hydraulic cylinder is not dead? Take off the central carpet cover panel in the rear where the soft top is stored folded down and check if there is no oil all over by either of the cylinders? Also see how much oil it is in the hydraulic pump tank - it's off the center toward the RR wheel. 

Edited by alex222
Posted (edited)

Fluid level checked and serviced, no big leaks noted.  I have the carpet out and have looked at all the components I swapped out the top module with another one today, still can't get it to calibrate or talk to module well.  The scanner will tell me other info from Engine, Airbag, etc.  I know its out of synch now for sure when new module and symptoms remain the same.  Do you have a pic of how the top is supposed to lay flat in the rear storage?  I feel like mine is about two inches shot of where it should be.


Swapped out the top module - No improvement.  Tried to run a calibration using Durametric and got the same results.  I am running out of ideas.  Any ideas of good places to take it near North Orlando area?

Edited by ZDLT4
Posted (edited)

I don't have a pic with the top opened up handy and it's cold in my area to open it up the soft top having a handful of the rubber-ish strings that don't like moving them when it is cold. But you can google it 


See p.85 of the manual (section 61-40): http://p914-6info.net/996_Manuals/996 Group 6 Body Exterior.pdf. Hint: Adobe Reader and MS Edge are not opening up the links on the table of contents. The Google Chrome browser does open them up.


I don't know of any good Porsche shops in the Orlando, FL area. Usually, a good shop is not a next to your door like in "North Orlando". Dealers are usually the worst. They usually don't know anything beyond a capability of changing the engine oil/brake pads/shocks/springs or so.


Get yourself familiar with this. It's the best to go to: 



Edited by alex222

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