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Kindly requesting assistance in finding my radio code.


car:  99 Porsche Boxster

radio:  CDR 220

            Type 4462

            Serial #. W5006483


Many thanks in advance,


  • Admin
39 minutes ago, Maestro said:



Kindly requesting assistance in finding my radio code.


car:  99 Porsche Boxster

radio:  CDR 220

            Type 4462

            Serial #. W5006483


Many thanks in advance,



Try 2150



I've never thought, but I would need also some help with the radio I bought from DC Automotive w/o a code! 😞

Radio: Porsche CR-1

P/No: 964.645.014.00

Model: CR-1

S/No: POCR-1M0812430

S/No: V10812430

  • Admin
2 hours ago, jovanybg said:

I've never thought, but I would need also some help with the radio I bought from DC Automotive w/o a code! 😞

Radio: Porsche CR-1

P/No: 964.645.014.00

Model: CR-1

S/No: POCR-1M0812430

S/No: V10812430


Try 0982



Hello everyone,  just started working on my 98 boxster and desperately need a radio code. 

Radio model is porsche becker cdr 210-BE 2282 

Serial number is W5020279


Any help would be appreciated!

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2 hours ago, DragnPotts said:

Hello everyone,  just started working on my 98 boxster and desperately need a radio code. 

Radio model is porsche becker cdr 210-BE 2282 

Serial number is W5020279


Any help would be appreciated!


Try 6569



It happened the radio I asked the code for is not working at all!

My dad is giving me his old radio he kept in the garage for around 10 years, but it is also missing the code, but at least he said the radio worked when he pulled it out of his car at the time.

Here is the info on the radio:

Radio: Porsche CR-1

P/No: 964.645.014.00

Model: CR-1

S/No: POCR-1P0615485

S/No: V30615485B


Thank you in advance!

  • Admin
6 hours ago, jovanybg said:

It happened the radio I asked the code for is not working at all!

My dad is giving me his old radio he kept in the garage for around 10 years, but it is also missing the code, but at least he said the radio worked when he pulled it out of his car at the time.

Here is the info on the radio:

Radio: Porsche CR-1

P/No: 964.645.014.00

Model: CR-1

S/No: POCR-1P0615485

S/No: V30615485B


Thank you in advance!


I just gave you a radio code for a different radio two days ago?

1 hour ago, Loren said:


I just gave you a radio code for a different radio two days ago?

That is correct!

Can I use that code on the other radio? - this last radio I asked for is not working - it lights up, but does not power up the screen!

My dad just gave me another radio he found in his stack of parts....


Hello Loren.Thank you for the 3276 code, but any hint on how can I enter it?

The radio has memorizing buttons 1 through 6 and those are the digits I can enter.

Any hint on how can I enter 7 into the code? - I've tried holding a button, but it only enters the number written on that button!

Thank you in advance!

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4 hours ago, Philip Baxter said:

Hi Loren 


I have a 2004 996 with a CDR-23 radio, could I have a code please? 

Part No. 996.645.129.05
Model No. BE 6612

Serial No. 45061366




You didn't read the Lost Radio Code FAQ


"CDR-23 (or later):
These radios do not have a security code - that is, not that the user enters.
These radios are security tested on the MOST (fiber optic bus) system to see if they are the "programmed" radio. The radios are programmed and recognized by the car’s DME and can only be replaced by a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS. These radios will not request a code when battery power is disconnected."

  • Admin
8 hours ago, jovanybg said:

Hello Loren.Thank you for the 3276 code, but any hint on how can I enter it?

The radio has memorizing buttons 1 through 6 and those are the digits I can enter.

Any hint on how can I enter 7 into the code? - I've tried holding a button, but it only enters the number written on that button!

Thank you in advance!



20 minutes ago, Loren said:



The above instruction is for more modern radios that have multifunction buttons 1 through 10.

Mine is CR-1 radio that has only buttons 1 through 6.... There is no option on entering 7 or larger numbers.

Is my only option sending it to a radio shop in NJ or California? - I would guess so!


New radio coming but good weather means I need to drive and I’m going nuts not having a radio. Display went to crap this winter in storage. Anyone want to be my hero? Pic attached. 


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1 hour ago, Gred said:

New radio coming but good weather means I need to drive and I’m going nuts not having a radio. Display went to crap this winter in storage. Anyone want to be my hero? Pic attached. 



You could remove the radio and hope it has a correct serial number label.


You need a new radio, a used radio, or a radio repair.


Hi there


I have a 2002 996 C4S with a CDR-220 radio. It is model BE 6625, and the serial number is 25011480. I am looking for the security code for this unit. Can you help.


@Loren. I’m well aware. I have one on order but until it arrives I’m going nuts not having a radio. 6-pack to anyone that can generate a code (or 4) to help me get by until the new one arrives and is installed. Any love?


I desperately need a code while I await my new radio. Any chance anyone could shoot me a few codes. I know I know. Screen dies in storage this winter and I just need some tunes to get me by until new radio arrives. The right code earns you a 6-pack or the finest barley pops. 


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