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I bought a used 1999 Boxster recently; the radio previously worked & it has a Radio Code Card ..... but in clearing a CEL code [that another story .... ], I disconnected the battery for 5 minutes. Now it won't take the code..........

the card has >>>

Becker CDR 220

BE 4462

serial # Y5016498

says code is "1270" ............ anything I need to know why this might not now work?

I'll try the serial number search method I've read about in other links to make sure this is the right card for the currently installed radio............

Thank you for any help you can give,


My program cam up with a code 2 digits different - 1268

Let us know which one works.

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I bought a used 1999 Boxster recently; the radio previously worked & it has a Radio Code Card ..... but in clearing a CEL code [that another story .... ], I disconnected the battery for 5 minutes. Now it won't take the code..........

the card has >>>

Becker CDR 220

BE 4462

serial # Y5016498

says code is "1270" ............ anything I need to know why this might not now work?

I'll try the serial number search method I've read about in other links to make sure this is the right card for the currently installed radio............

Thank you for any help you can give,


My program cam up with a code 2 digits different - 1268

Let us know which one works.

back again [working on the car all day ...another issue] ......... thx, but looks like the radio must have been replaced at some time; found this info thru "T/P" scrolling method >>>

Becker CDR-220



again much thx!!


  • Admin
I bought a used 1999 Boxster recently; the radio previously worked & it has a Radio Code Card ..... but in clearing a CEL code [that another story .... ], I disconnected the battery for 5 minutes. Now it won't take the code..........

the card has >>>

Becker CDR 220

BE 4462

serial # Y5016498

says code is "1270" ............ anything I need to know why this might not now work?

I'll try the serial number search method I've read about in other links to make sure this is the right card for the currently installed radio............

Thank you for any help you can give,


My program cam up with a code 2 digits different - 1268

Let us know which one works.

back again [working on the car all day ...another issue] ......... thx, but looks like the radio must have been replaced at some time; found this info thru "T/P" scrolling method >>>

Becker CDR-220



again much thx!!


Try 7142



Posted (edited)
I bought a used 1999 Boxster recently; the radio previously worked & it has a Radio Code Card ..... but in clearing a CEL code [that another story .... ], I disconnected the battery for 5 minutes. Now it won't take the code..........

the card has >>>

Becker CDR 220

BE 4462

serial # Y5016498

says code is "1270" ............ anything I need to know why this might not now work?

I'll try the serial number search method I've read about in other links to make sure this is the right card for the currently installed radio............

Thank you for any help you can give,


My program cam up with a code 2 digits different - 1268

Let us know which one works.

back again [working on the car all day ...another issue] ......... thx, but looks like the radio must have been replaced at some time; found this info thru "T/P" scrolling method >>>

Becker CDR-220



again much thx!!


Try 7142



thx, but neither of those worked .... any other ones I should try?

much apprecaited...


10/30 update --

FYI____ dealer gave me 7143 .... worked fine!

Edited by dendux07


Please I need code for CDR-220 Model#: BE6625 serial:25013693 10 presets. This is for a 2002 Boxster with Bose system and a CD-3 6-disk changer.

I have tried using a program to generate the 4-digit code and the program is giving me code 4463. I entered this number 3 times and the radio started displaying WAIT and stayed like that for a couple hours and then the Code **** displayed again.


  • Admin

Please I need code for CDR-220 Model#: BE6625 serial:25013693 10 presets. This is for a 2002 Boxster with Bose system and a CD-3 6-disk changer.

I have tried using a program to generate the 4-digit code and the program is giving me code 4463. I entered this number 3 times and the radio started displaying WAIT and stayed like that for a couple hours and then the Code **** displayed again.


I get the same code.

Where did you get the serial number? off a card or from the radio (as described earlier in this thread?


Please I need code for CDR-220 Model#: BE6625 serial:25013693 10 presets. This is for a 2002 Boxster with Bose system and a CD-3 6-disk changer.

I have tried using a program to generate the 4-digit code and the program is giving me code 4463. I entered this number 3 times and the radio started displaying WAIT and stayed like that for a couple hours and then the Code **** displayed again.


I get the same code.

Where did you get the serial number? off a card or from the radio (as described earlier in this thread?

I found the program somewhere on the web. It allows you to chose one of 4 different modes "Becker 4 buttons", "Becker 6 buttons", "Becker 8 buttons" or "Becker 4-digits". Allows you to enter the serial number (4-digits) and displays the Unlock code underneith. It is made by www.elcar.sk.

I don't have the card. I purchased the car through my friend who happens to be a car dealer. He bought it from Porsche Finance.

Looking at this thread, I have tried 4461, 4463 and 4465 with no success. I will have to wait a bit and try other adjacent numbers unless you have another idea.

Thanks for the reply,



Please I need code for CDR-220 Model#: BE6625 serial:25013693 10 presets. This is for a 2002 Boxster with Bose system and a CD-3 6-disk changer.

I have tried using a program to generate the 4-digit code and the program is giving me code 4463. I entered this number 3 times and the radio started displaying WAIT and stayed like that for a couple hours and then the Code **** displayed again.


I get the same code.

Where did you get the serial number? off a card or from the radio (as described earlier in this thread?

I found the program somewhere on the web. It allows you to chose one of 4 different modes "Becker 4 buttons", "Becker 6 buttons", "Becker 8 buttons" or "Becker 4-digits". Allows you to enter the serial number (4-digits) and displays the Unlock code underneith. It is made by www.elcar.sk.

I don't have the card. I purchased the car through my friend who happens to be a car dealer. He bought it from Porsche Finance.

Looking at this thread, I have tried 4461, 4463 and 4465 with no success. I will have to wait a bit and try other adjacent numbers unless you have another idea.

Thanks for the reply,


I pulled the radio out and got the serial number. I also used the TP on the radio and it gave me the same serial number.

  • Admin
Neither of those codes worked. Any other possibilities? Thanks
My program does not always work. It works maybe 95% of the time but I have no expanation why it doesn't always work.

At this point you will need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges to lookup your code and some dealers do too.



I have been directed to seek out help from the Porsche forum. Radio code issue, I never received a manual so I don't have a serial number. I understand that I might have to pull the radio, but in your earlier post I noticed if I have either a VIN or a radio serial I can obtain a code through my local dealer. I want to avoid having to pull the radio.

  • Admin

I have been directed to seek out help from the Porsche forum. Radio code issue, I never received a manual so I don't have a serial number. I understand that I might have to pull the radio, but in your earlier post I noticed if I have either a VIN or a radio serial I can obtain a code through my local dealer. I want to avoid having to pull the radio.

I know there are a lot of posts here... but back a few pages (as well as in your radio manual) it tells you how to display the serial number on the radio display. You do not need the code to display the serial number.

Thanks Loren! I am new to this message board and don't intend to belabor this radio code issue, as I have read 164 posts (you are very patient), plus downloaded the radio users guide that was referenced in one of the posts. I am still not getting it....I have a "CR-210" with the removable face plate, with the CD chg'r in the trunk. But no knobs to turn to find the serial number as mentioned in post #30. So I am at a loss as how to bring up the serial #. I hold down the TP button, nothing seems to happen. I will try again tomorrow or bring the car back to the mechanic and have him deal with it. As it worked when I left the car with him. I didn't realize disconnecting the battery would render the sound system inoperable. They are certified Porsche shop here in San Francisco, they must know. Thanks again.

  • Admin
Thanks Loren! I am new to this message board and don't intend to belabor this radio code issue, as I have read 164 posts (you are very patient), plus downloaded the radio users guide that was referenced in one of the posts. I am still not getting it....I have a "CR-210" with the removable face plate, with the CD chg'r in the trunk. But no knobs to turn to find the serial number as mentioned in post #30. So I am at a loss as how to bring up the serial #. I hold down the TP button, nothing seems to happen. I will try again tomorrow or bring the car back to the mechanic and have him deal with it. As it worked when I left the car with him. I didn't realize disconnecting the battery would render the sound system inoperable. They are certified Porsche shop here in San Francisco, they must know. Thanks again.
Try this. Push the tone button then immediately push 8 and 0 at the same time and the display should show BECKER. Then push the tuning toggle button up until you see serial number. Then press the right arrow key.
  • Admin
Either I am a complete imbecile or the codes don't work. Is there another set of codes?
Please read some of the other posts here -- sometimes my code program does not work (or people give me the wrong serial number).

In either case you need to contact a dealer or Becker. Becker charges for the service - some dealers charge also.

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