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  • Admin
Hi I cant finde the code for my radio I hope that someone can help me. The car is a 1999 Boxster id nr. WPOCA 298XX U6311 62

The radio type CDR 220 MODEL BE 4462 Serial no X5022058


Try 0084



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Another owner my2002 who needs a radio code. Can you help?

Becker 1

Type 4362

S/N 25006736


Best Regards,


Try 4741



Thanks so much for your amazingly quick reply. Radio is working.

Thanks again,


Posted (edited)
Hi I cant finde the code for my radio I hope that someone can help me. The car is a 1999 Boxster id nr. WPOCA 298XX U6311 62

The radio type CDR 220 MODEL BE 4462 Serial no X5022058


Try 0084



I tryed those two codes but non of them worked. Can I something wrong or..

P.S it's a car from the U.S


Edited by HenrikBB
  • Admin
Hi I cant finde the code for my radio I hope that someone can help me. The car is a 1999 Boxster id nr. WPOCA 298XX U6311 62

The radio type CDR 220 MODEL BE 4462 Serial no X5022058


Try 0084



I tryed those two codes but non of them worked. Can I something wrong or..

P.S it's a car from the U.S


Please read this and follow the instructions...


Hello, I didn't realize by Boxster's Becker radio wasn't orginal unit until I removed it to do some wiring work and once the radio was reinstalled, attempted to input the orginal radio code (which I had with the orginal paperwork). Any help with the code for this radio would be very appreciated!

Type: Becker Traffic Pro - 10 button preset

Model: BE4773

Serial# 25005087

Thanks Todd.

Try 9433



Loren, sorry to trouble you again, but it appears that I didn't provide you with completly accurate information. I have confirmed the Model #, and Serial #, listed earlier are correct, but I incorrectly identified the radio as being "Becker", it is actually a Harman Karden by Becker.

While there does appear to be 10 presets, when entering the code, only the digits 1 thru 7 are available and it appears that the code should be a 5 digit number.

Would this corrected information change the information you input into your program and perhaps result in different codes? Or are the Model number and Serial number enough? Any additional insight you might have would be most appreciated.

Thanks again, Todd.

  • Admin
Hello, I didn't realize by Boxster's Becker radio wasn't orginal unit until I removed it to do some wiring work and once the radio was reinstalled, attempted to input the orginal radio code (which I had with the orginal paperwork). Any help with the code for this radio would be very appreciated!

Type: Becker Traffic Pro - 10 button preset

Model: BE4773

Serial# 25005087

Thanks Todd.

Try 9433



Loren, sorry to trouble you again, but it appears that I didn't provide you with completly accurate information. I have confirmed the Model #, and Serial #, listed earlier are correct, but I incorrectly identified the radio as being "Becker", it is actually a Harman Karden by Becker.

While there does appear to be 10 presets, when entering the code, only the digits 1 thru 7 are available and it appears that the code should be a 5 digit number.

Would this corrected information change the information you input into your program and perhaps result in different codes? Or are the Model number and Serial number enough? Any additional insight you might have would be most appreciated.

Thanks again, Todd.

Yes, that changes it.

Try 29433



Can you provide the code for the following:

Type: CDR-220

Model: 4462

Serial# x5033506

Thanks, JimK

Try 4982



Per your advice, I tried entering the code by increasing it by two. 4984 worked like a charm! Thanks so much, I really appreciate your help.


Hello, I too, have lost my radio code. The model number is 4462 the s/n is Y5035970 the type is CDR-220 and the radio states 24/99. Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

  • Admin
Hello, I too, have lost my radio code. The model number is 4462 the s/n is Y5035970 the type is CDR-220 and the radio states 24/99. Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Try 1139




Hi, I disconnected my battery away from home and I have a three hour drive ahead of me tomorrow, can someone help with the radio code?!!

Thanks so much!

2001 Base


model: BE 4462

Ser#: 15064686

  • Admin
Hi, I disconnected my battery away from home and I have a three hour drive ahead of me tomorrow, can someone help with the radio code?!!

Thanks so much!

2001 Base


model: BE 4462

Ser#: 15064686

Try 4721



Hello, I too, have lost my radio code. The model number is 4462 the s/n is Y5035970 the type is CDR-220 and the radio states 24/99. Any assistance you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Try 1139



Neither worked but thank you very much for trying. I appreciate it. I understand the program doesn't always work. Thanks again.

  • Admin
I also need a code for my porsche boxster stereo, cdr 220, type 4462, SN Y5053568, 24/99. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Try 9062



Hi, I disconnected my battery away from home and I have a three hour drive ahead of me tomorrow, can someone help with the radio code?!!

Thanks so much!

2001 Base


model: BE 4462

Ser#: 15064686

Try 4721



Worked like a charm, thank you.

I also need a code for my porsche boxster stereo, cdr 220, type 4462, SN Y5053568, 24/99. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Try 9062



Niether code worked, any further suggestions?




Loren, I need your help please...yep, it's a radio code request. Here's what I have:

'01 Boxster, CDR 220

Type 4462

Serial #: Y5054288


Many, many thanks in advance coming from the newest forum member and a new owner. Can't wait to contribute more!

Take care,

John Johnson

  • Admin
Loren, I need your help please...yep, it's a radio code request. Here's what I have:

'01 Boxster, CDR 220

Type 4462

Serial #: Y5054288


Many, many thanks in advance coming from the newest forum member and a new owner. Can't wait to contribute more!

Take care,

John Johnson

Try 2800





I had to tinker around with the numbers, but 2801 hit the mark, and now I have the ummm...lovely??? sound of the Becker back.;) Time to dig through the threads on upgrading the system!

Altogether though, many thanks for the codes. You saved alot of frustration.

Take care,

John Johnson


A parking attendent let my 2000 Boxter's battery die. After the battery was recharged I notced the radio was off. I tried to turn it on...nadda. I can't even get to a lost code request as the radio will not even power on, at all...period. Is this something anyone else has experienced? There is nothing I could find in the manual about this issue. Suggestions?

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