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Could you please help me with my radio code?

1997 Boxster CDR-210. When I press 8 & 0 I get Serial T5002773 and R2896 when I press the channel up again.

Bought car used and it didn't have a Code Card.


  • Admin
Could you please help me with my radio code?

1997 Boxster CDR-210. When I press 8 & 0 I get Serial T5002773 and R2896 when I press the channel up again.

Bought car used and it didn't have a Code Card.


Try 2461




Loren, Hope this is the right place to post this question? Anyway here goes.

Lost radio code.

1999 911 C-4

Becker 1

type 4462

serial # W5008284

country US

Thank again for your help Lee Gardner

  • Admin
Loren, Hope this is the right place to post this question? Anyway here goes.

Lost radio code.

1999 911 C-4

Becker 1

type 4462

serial # W5008284

country US

Thank again for your help Lee Gardner

Try 5344



Could you please help me with my radio code?

1997 Boxster CDR-210. When I press 8 & 0 I get Serial T5002773 and R2896 when I press the channel up again.

Bought car used and it didn't have a Code Card.


Try 2461



Thanks - 2462 worked


Code request please.

2000 Carrera USA

Radio: CDR-220

Model: 4462

Serial Number: Y5035828


Thank You


I need a code for a CR-1. I'm not sure how to get the ser# for the thing but it is asking for a CODE. I've searched for any info on the CR-1 and it is slim to none. It is in 1995 993 C4. I appeciate any help.

  • Admin
I need a code for a CR-1. I'm not sure how to get the ser# for the thing but it is asking for a CODE. I've searched for any info on the CR-1 and it is slim to none. It is in 1995 993 C4. I appeciate any help.

I believe that is a 5 digit code - if it is (and you give me the serial number) I'll give it a try.


2000 C4 Coupe 6spd that dealer advises does NOT have the orignal radio installed. No code found anywhere in owner's manual or paperwork, under hood, or on the head unit itself. Dealer could not or would not provide the code.

Radio is working fine at this time, but I need to replace the airbag retaining frame which means disconnecting the bag wire at the steering wheel, and the only safe way to do that is with the battery disconnected.


Becker 1

Type: 4462

Serial: Y5038227


  • Admin
2000 C4 Coupe 6spd that dealer advises does NOT have the orignal radio installed. No code found anywhere in owner's manual or paperwork, under hood, or on the head unit itself. Dealer could not or would not provide the code.

Radio is working fine at this time, but I need to replace the airbag retaining frame which means disconnecting the bag wire at the steering wheel, and the only safe way to do that is with the battery disconnected.


Becker 1

Type: 4462

Serial: Y5038227


Try 1304



I need a code for a CR-1. I'm not sure how to get the ser# for the thing but it is asking for a CODE. I've searched for any info on the CR-1 and it is slim to none. It is in 1995 993 C4. I appeciate any help.

I believe that is a 5 digit code - if it is (and you give me the serial number) I'll give it a try.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get the ser# without ripping it out of the dash, the digits must be 1-6 no zeros or 7 8 or 9.

just bought 1998 boxster radio not working

becker 1


ser# w5011401 can you help me out?

thanx for the quick reply,

tried 0938 and 0936, didn't work, called dealer and they gave me 5425 but no worky

vehicle serial number WP0CA298WU620401, BECKER 1, 4462, W5011401, 48/98


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