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Was working fine of course till the battery removal. Previous owner did not write it in the manual... Following your radio I.D. recovery procedure I've gotten the following: CDR 220  Type 4362  and serial # 15004832. Hope you can help. Thank you in advance. The radio code is the most important item for me at this time. 



Try 3058

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Loren, First, thank you for the quick reply. Went to garage to put in code. Turned key on, radio power on, and get the same "wait" message. Now my question is this: does the half hour, or 1 hour internal radio timer begin while radio is powered on, or even if it is powered off? The reason i am being precise to this question is because 4 or 5 days ago when i tried a random (0000,1234) code i got the "wait" message. I turned the power off to the radio and have not had it on since. Last night based on your advice I powered radio on, wait message was still on the face, held TP button for 10 seconds and finally the wait went away and I was able to get you the radio i.d. So should i power it on during my driving around today and will the wait go away or is there another procedure i can follow to get rid of the wait and the code prompt to come on the radio dial?

  • Admin

Becker CDR-220


TP screens:

Becker 1

Type 4462

Seri 15006411

24/99 <-- what is this?

Gali 00 <-- what is this?


CD CDP2081




Try 6989

  • Upvote 1


Becker CDR-220


TP screens:

Becker 1

Type 4462

Seri 15006411

24/99 <-- what is this?

Gali 00 <-- what is this?


CD CDP2081




Try 6989


Boom done!  Thanks!  Now to figure out how to program the presets.... 


Thanks Loren that code did work.


i have radio now.


I just need to find out why when i try to insert a cd it wont go in.

like it wont fit.


Thanks ahead.


Hey Loren,


I'm new to the boards and a car new to me.  It needs a radio code.  Becker CR 220.  Type 4362.  Ser # W5007674.


Can you assist?



  • Admin

Hey Loren,


I'm new to the boards and a car new to me.  It needs a radio code.  Becker CR 220.  Type 4362.  Ser # W5007674.


Can you assist?




Try 9656



Hey Loren,


I'm new to the boards and a car new to me.  It needs a radio code.  Becker CR 220.  Type 4362.  Ser # W5007674.


Can you assist?




Try 9656


Awesome. Worked like a charm.  Greatly appreciated!



2000 Boxster S

Becker CR-220



Thank you!!


Try 0875


Perfect!  Thank you so much!  It's nice to have a radio again. 

Posted (edited)

Loren, First, thank you for the quick reply. Went to garage to put in code. Turned key on, radio power on, and get the same "wait" message. Now my question is this: does the half hour, or 1 hour internal radio timer begin while radio is powered on, or even if it is powered off? The reason i am being precise to this question is because 4 or 5 days ago when i tried a random (0000,1234) code i got the "wait" message. I turned the power off to the radio and have not had it on since. Last night based on your advice I powered radio on, wait message was still on the face, held TP button for 10 seconds and finally the wait went away and I was able to get you the radio i.d. So should i power it on during my driving around today and will the wait go away or is there another procedure i can follow to get rid of the wait and the code prompt to come on the radio dial?

Got it! your code worked instantly!!! :jump:  Thank you!  :notworthy:

I guess I answered my own question from above on:   How do I get rid of the wait message

So here is a little help for the rest of your members having the same "wait" message.

Know that the radio must remain on for about an hour before the "wait" goes away and the stars show up to input your code.

By wait I mean driving and stopping, or sitting with key on: Radio still has to be on power.

I drove for a few weeks with the radio off, and every time I tried it on, the "wait" was still there, so I turned radio off right away thinking there must be some different code to enter to get rid of it.

So not knowing what i am telling you now, i would turn radio off and wait till the next time.

Bottom line leave your radio on while driving, and after an hour while you stop and go doing your chores with your car, the code input screen will come on.

The second you input your 4th digit radio goes on! Pretty satisfying.

Hope this helps...    

Edited by Aharos

Hi, I hope someone can help. I just had my car fixed and they disconnected the battery and now radio was reset and i need a code. this is the info on the radio, Any help would be appreciated i tried everything to get the code


CDR-220/ Becker 1 type 4462 # X5030414   248/98

Thank you 

  • Admin

Hi, I hope someone can help. I just had my car fixed and they disconnected the battery and now radio was reset and i need a code. this is the info on the radio, Any help would be appreciated i tried everything to get the code


CDR-220/ Becker 1 type 4462 # X5030414   248/98

Thank you 


Try 4818



Hi, I hope someone can help. I just had my car fixed and they disconnected the battery and now radio was reset and i need a code. this is the info on the radio, Any help would be appreciated i tried everything to get the code


CDR-220/ Becker 1 type 4462 # X5030414   248/98

Thank you 


Try 4818



Thank very much. It worked.



Yup replaced the battery in the wife's 2000 Boxster and guess what? Need the radio code. We've only had the car on the road a month. No manuals, stickers or anything. Any help would be appreciated.


4462 model

X5031065 is the serial.


Try 0430




That worked and donation made......Many thanks!!!!


I had a problem with my boxster fuse box and had to unhook it, When i hooked it back up the radio was locked. Bought the car used a month ago. Any possible help with code? or do i need to take it to dealer.


Becker 1


Type 4462


serial Y5038107


Thanks in advance for any help

  • Admin

I had a problem with my boxster fuse box and had to unhook it, When i hooked it back up the radio was locked. Bought the car used a month ago. Any possible help with code? or do i need to take it to dealer.


Becker 1


Type 4462


serial Y5038107


Thanks in advance for any help


Try 6541

  • Upvote 1


I had a problem with my boxster fuse box and had to unhook it, When i hooked it back up the radio was locked. Bought the car used a month ago. Any possible help with code? or do i need to take it to dealer.


Becker 1


Type 4462


serial Y5038107


Thanks in advance for any help


Try 6541


Thank you I will try that first thing in the morning and let you know how it turns out

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