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whats up...i'm the second owner of my 2000 boxster and of course it didn't come with the owners manual or radio code. any ideas on what mine might be? here's the info: type:cdr-220

model: BE 4462

serial: x5030284

thanks for all the help!

PS got the pdf format owners manual off this site! great group B)

  • Admin
whats up...i'm the second owner of my 2000 boxster and of course it didn't come with the owners manual or radio code. any ideas on what mine might be? here's the info: type:cdr-220

model: BE 4462

serial: x5030284

thanks for all the help!

PS got the pdf format owners manual off this site! great group B)

Try 6608



whats up...i'm the second owner of my 2000 boxster and of course it didn't come with the owners manual or radio code. any ideas on what mine might be? here's the info: type:cdr-220

model: BE 4462

serial: x5030284

thanks for all the help!

PS got the pdf format owners manual off this site! great group B)

Try 6608



Thanks for the quick reply loren and the help...but after entering the code, my deck is stuck on the "wait" screen. i tried unplugging the harness from the back of the deck and also the neg cable on the battery for about a min and a half to try and reset, but no luck. any advice?

thanks again!

  • Admin
whats up...i'm the second owner of my 2000 boxster and of course it didn't come with the owners manual or radio code. any ideas on what mine might be? here's the info: type:cdr-220

model: BE 4462

serial: x5030284

thanks for all the help!

PS got the pdf format owners manual off this site! great group B)

Try 6608



Thanks for the quick reply loren and the help...but after entering the code, my deck is stuck on the "wait" screen. i tried unplugging the harness from the back of the deck and also the neg cable on the battery for about a min and a half to try and reset, but no luck. any advice?

thanks again!

Well, you didn't read this thread did you...

WAIT has been explained here several times. You need to drive the car to clear the WAIT message.

whats up...i'm the second owner of my 2000 boxster and of course it didn't come with the owners manual or radio code. any ideas on what mine might be? here's the info: type:cdr-220

model: BE 4462

serial: x5030284

thanks for all the help!

PS got the pdf format owners manual off this site! great group B)

Try 6608



Thanks for the quick reply loren and the help...but after entering the code, my deck is stuck on the "wait" screen. i tried unplugging the harness from the back of the deck and also the neg cable on the battery for about a min and a half to try and reset, but no luck. any advice?

thanks again!

Well, you didn't read this thread did you...

WAIT has been explained here several times. You need to drive the car to clear the WAIT message.

eh...u are a porsche god my friend and i thank you yet again...but i didn't have time to read 26 pages of cdr-220 serial numbers and codes since being on the net at work is punishable by termination. ;) so i took your advice and the wait did clear and is ready for a code again. hate buggin ya about this, but if those 2 codes you gave me didn't work, is there still a chance to save myself the 2.5 hour trip to the dealership?


Need your help! !

After disconnecting the battery and replacing the alternator on my 2002, the radio is requesting the security codes just like everyone else

Becker CDR 220

type BE 4462

serial # 15004706

Thanks for you help in advanced

  • Admin
Need your help! !

After disconnecting the battery and replacing the alternator on my 2002, the radio is requesting the security codes just like everyone else

Becker CDR 220

type BE 4462

serial # 15004706

Thanks for you help in advanced

Try 4881



Need your help! !

After disconnecting the battery and replacing the alternator on my 2002, the radio is requesting the security codes just like everyone else

Becker CDR 220

type BE 4462

serial # 15004706

Thanks for you help in advanced

Try 4881



Tried both with no success

Becker type 4462 SN Y5043574

Boxster 2000



Try 9110



Yeah!!! 9110 Works.... killer get it... 911 zero LOL

Thanks lifesavers!

Posted (edited)
I have a CDR-21

My vin is WPOAA2991XS623320

Any idea what my code is?


Try 2742



Hi Loren,

Sorry but the codes did not work. I also tried 2740, 2741, 2742, 2743, 2744, 2739, and 2738. Those did not work either.

In addition my radio is actually CDR-210.There is also a number when i take the radio face out. That number is 228012516272189905.

Is there any other information you need? Are there any numbers you would suggest?

Thanks a lot again in advanced!

EDIT--- My car is also a 1999 Porsche C2. The manufactured date was in July 1998. It is a US car if that helps as well.

Edited by dchow1981
  • Admin
I have a CDR-21

My vin is WPOAA2991XS623320

Any idea what my code is?


Try 2742



Hi Loren,

Sorry but the codes did not work. I also tried 2740, 2741, 2742, 2743, 2744, 2739, and 2738. Those did not work either.

In addition my radio is actually CDR-210.There is also a number when i take the radio face out. That number is 228012516272189905.

Is there any other information you need? Are there any numbers you would suggest?

Thanks a lot again in advanced!

EDIT--- My car is also a 1999 Porsche C2. The manufactured date was in July 1998. It is a US car if that helps as well.

Sorry, you will need to call a dealer or Becker.


Hello I just joined and just wanted to post to say thanks to this great forum and the mods and admins here. A cool forum I look forward to exploring and learning from.


I was going to ask for a radio code and was waiting for it to clear because I tried some that were posted and got locked out with the "wait" message.

Then I read a post that said that sometimes the mechanics write the code on the sticker under the front truck lid. So I opened my front trunk lid and lo and behold there were the 4 digits I needed written in pen on the sticker! They worked like a charm.

In short I thought I would write this as a first place to look for your code if you've bought a used Porsche as I had. Otherwise it seems like Loren's codes do the trick for most people.

I do still have a question for future reference though.

I still want to look up the radio serial number. Now that I've already unlocked it can I still look it up?

I tried the instructions for displaying it, but all that did was change the radio stations (since it's unlocked).

I have the CR-210 Model with the CD changer.



I have a 2002 Boxster and need the radio code. Where and how can I locate the model and serial number of the deck ? :huh: Thanks.

  • Admin
I have a 2002 Boxster and need the radio code. Where and how can I locate the model and serial number of the deck ? :huh: Thanks.

That has all been covered in this thread previously (several times).

Posted (edited)

I found the thread and located the following information from the deck.

TYPE: 4462

SER: 15000134


GAL1 00



Hope this information is adequate to locate the 4 digit radio code

Much appreciated. :renntech:


Edited by ssflai
  • Admin
I found the thread and located the following information from the deck.

TYPE: 4462

SER: 15000134


GAL1 00



Hope this information is adequate to locate the 4 digit radio code

Much appreciated. :renntech:


Try 8240




Hello 2nd owner no radio codes Thanks guys . 1999 boxster 2.5 cd player serial number on radio

W 5023600. not for sure of the brand ? Have a flashing C in front of the word code what does this mean if anything . Thanks guys


  • Admin
Hello 2nd owner no radio codes Thanks guys . 1999 boxster 2.5 cd player serial number on radio

W 5023600. not for sure of the brand ? Have a flashing C in front of the word code what does this mean if anything . Thanks guys


Try 0135



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