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I have a CR-220, when I held down the TP button for 10 seconds and 'scrolled' through the options, Becker 1 came up as Loren said, but when I scrolled to the serial number portion it just said, 'seri'. It's a 4362. It also said '24/99' and a reset option...please help...how do I find the ser number?

Try the procedure again. If that fails then you will likely need to pull the radio out to read the serial number tag.

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I have a CR-220, when I held down the TP button for 10 seconds and 'scrolled' through the options, Becker 1 came up as Loren said, but when I scrolled to the serial number portion it just said, 'seri'. It's a 4362. It also said '24/99' and a reset option...please help...how do I find the ser number?

Try the procedure again. If that fails then you will likely need to pull the radio out to read the serial number tag.

Thanks Loren...I tried a few times and the serial number is a no-go. I even put a little pressure on the face plate and tried because sometimes I don't get a good "seat"...still no joy.

I did, however, find a manual, written by the previous owner, "code: 4678". I tried to enter this 3 times and locked the unit out...now I'm waiting for it to unlock again. It didn't say it was for the radio, but I'm not sure what else it could've been for.

I'm physically unable to pull the unit out of the dash myself due an injury, but if I can't resolve via other means, I may have to resort to the local Stealer.

So, my questions are, should I try maybe incrementing the last two digits of the above number as I've seen in other posts?

Are there any other things to try when the radio doesn't take the code, assuming that 4678 is the correct code?

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!

  • Admin

I have a CR-220, when I held down the TP button for 10 seconds and 'scrolled' through the options, Becker 1 came up as Loren said, but when I scrolled to the serial number portion it just said, 'seri'. It's a 4362. It also said '24/99' and a reset option...please help...how do I find the ser number?

Try the procedure again. If that fails then you will likely need to pull the radio out to read the serial number tag.

Thanks Loren...I tried a few times and the serial number is a no-go. I even put a little pressure on the face plate and tried because sometimes I don't get a good "seat"...still no joy.

I did, however, find a manual, written by the previous owner, "code: 4678". I tried to enter this 3 times and locked the unit out...now I'm waiting for it to unlock again. It didn't say it was for the radio, but I'm not sure what else it could've been for.

I'm physically unable to pull the unit out of the dash myself due an injury, but if I can't resolve via other means, I may have to resort to the local Stealer.

So, my questions are, should I try maybe incrementing the last two digits of the above number as I've seen in other posts?

Are there any other things to try when the radio doesn't take the code, assuming that 4678 is the correct code?

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!

Last resort. Try taking the faceplate off and cleaning the contacts with electrical contact cleaner or an eraser. Then try again.


I have a CR-220, when I held down the TP button for 10 seconds and 'scrolled' through the options, Becker 1 came up as Loren said, but when I scrolled to the serial number portion it just said, 'seri'. It's a 4362. It also said '24/99' and a reset option...please help...how do I find the ser number?

Try the procedure again. If that fails then you will likely need to pull the radio out to read the serial number tag.

Thanks Loren...I tried a few times and the serial number is a no-go. I even put a little pressure on the face plate and tried because sometimes I don't get a good "seat"...still no joy.

I did, however, find a manual, written by the previous owner, "code: 4678". I tried to enter this 3 times and locked the unit out...now I'm waiting for it to unlock again. It didn't say it was for the radio, but I'm not sure what else it could've been for.

I'm physically unable to pull the unit out of the dash myself due an injury, but if I can't resolve via other means, I may have to resort to the local Stealer.

So, my questions are, should I try maybe incrementing the last two digits of the above number as I've seen in other posts?

Are there any other things to try when the radio doesn't take the code, assuming that 4678 is the correct code?

Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!

Last resort. Try taking the faceplate off and cleaning the contacts with electrical contact cleaner or an eraser. Then try again.

Ok, Loren...I found the code...the REAL code. I actually found the radio code card and the code was totally different than the one I posted earlier...see what happens when I assume? Anyway, radio is working...thanks for your help.


I'd love to have a radio code.


Becker 1

Type 4462




Try 8787

Worked like a charm. Much appreciated.


Hello, I have an 02 996 with the stock Navigation / radio unit. I changed the battery today and don't have the radio code. How do I get my serial # so i can get the radio code?

Please help! Much appreciated .



  • Admin

Hello, I have an 02 996 with the stock Navigation / radio unit. I changed the battery today and don't have the radio code. How do I get my serial # so i can get the radio code?

Please help! Much appreciated .




Lost Radio code FAQ


I think I have the PCM system... does that mean it won't work for me?

Hello, I have an 02 996 with the stock Navigation / radio unit. I changed the battery today and don't have the radio code. How do I get my serial # so i can get the radio code?

Please help! Much appreciated .




Lost Radio code FAQ

  • Admin

I think I have the PCM system... does that mean it won't work for me?

Hello, I have an 02 996 with the stock Navigation / radio unit. I changed the battery today and don't have the radio code. How do I get my serial # so i can get the radio code?

Please help! Much appreciated .




Lost Radio code FAQ

A radio would like this


and PCM looks like this


  • Admin


Need help with a 2001 Boxster S. Battery died and can't get the radio working.

Becker 1

CR 220

Type 4362

Ser 15030823

Thank you!

Try 6826

  • Upvote 1


Need help with a 2001 Boxster S. Battery died and can't get the radio working.

Becker 1

CR 220

Type 4362

Ser 15030823

Thank you!

Try 6826

That worked! Thank you so much!

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