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Hi Loren,

My battery on my 996 has run flat and is asking for the code.

Serial # 15086176


Becker 1

Type 4462


CDP 2081

GAL1 00

Could you please assist me with the code


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  • Admin

Hi Loren,

My battery on my 996 has run flat and is asking for the code.

Serial # 15086176


Becker 1

Type 4462


CDP 2081

GAL1 00

Could you please assist me with the code


Try 0872


Did this a couple years ago and 4145, 4441 and 4439 not working this go around... which is weird because one of those three worked back then... :(


2002 Tip


Type 4362

S/N 15000619



  • Admin

Did this a couple years ago and 4145, 4441 and 4439 not working this go around... which is weird because one of those three worked back then... :(


2002 Tip


Type 4362

S/N 15000619



Try 4541

  • Admin

Hi, apparently the last owner lost the radio code for my car. I would greatly appreciate your help! Thank you in advance.

2001 Boxster S

Type: 4462

Ser: Y5044054

Try 9857

  • Upvote 1

Hi, apparently the last owner lost the radio code for my car. I would greatly appreciate your help! Thank you in advance.

2001 Boxster S

Type: 4462

Ser: Y5044054

Try 9857

Worked perfectly, thank you so much.

Posted (edited)

Yet another lost radio code request:

1997 Boxster, 5 speed, USA car, built in Germany

Radio: CR-210

Type: R2896 (or maybe R2876? could not read my handwriting...)

S/N: T5003475

Thank you!!!


Edited by boxster_nut
  • Admin

Yet another lost radio code request:

1997 Boxster, 5 speed, USA car, built in Germany

Radio: CR-210

Type: R2896 (or maybe R2876? could not read my handwriting...)

S/N: T5003475

Thank you!!!


Try 4736


I don't have the radio code.

Boxster S 2000

6 speed


type 4462

sn: Y5037169

Thanks for your help!!



I don't have the radio code.

Boxster S 2000

6 speed


type 4462

sn: Y5037169

Thanks for your help!!


Try 0526

Posted (edited)

You're the man!!! Works perfectly!!! How do you do it?

Thanks for your help!! I owe you one.

Edited by Yazmon

Yet another lost radio code request:

1997 Boxster, 5 speed, USA car, built in Germany

Radio: CR-210

Type: R2896 (or maybe R2876? could not read my handwriting...)

S/N: T5003475

Thank you!!!


Try 4736

Unfortunately it did not work. I double checked the S/N, and it is T5003475

I did some looking on the net last evening and found a 'decoder' that would provide other possible keys, and I tried: 4746, 4836, 5736, 4848, 5746, 5836, 5846, 4735, 7081, 7091, 7181, and 8081.

None of them worked either. Can you suggest any other possible keys? Or alternatives other than going to the dealership?

thank you!


  • Admin

Yet another lost radio code request:

1997 Boxster, 5 speed, USA car, built in Germany

Radio: CR-210

Type: R2896 (or maybe R2876? could not read my handwriting...)

S/N: T5003475

Thank you!!!


Try 4736

Unfortunately it did not work. I double checked the S/N, and it is T5003475

I did some looking on the net last evening and found a 'decoder' that would provide other possible keys, and I tried: 4746, 4836, 5736, 4848, 5746, 5836, 5846, 4735, 7081, 7091, 7181, and 8081.

None of them worked either. Can you suggest any other possible keys? Or alternatives other than going to the dealership?

thank you!


Did you use the process in the FAQ to have the serial number readout on the display?

Please do so and give me the correct serial number.



4736 is the correct original code for the serial number given. (I've verified this with two separate sources)

Sometimes reading serial numbers from radio displays can give wrong numbers, just due to deteriation of the displays...

I'd remove the radio, and check the serial number printed on the label, attached to the metal casing..

You've explained that you've entered 12 wrong codes.... Did the radio go into time lock?

Posted (edited)

Hi, Loren, I've got a locked radio in my 2000 S (if you read my last post, you know why already!).


Type: 4667

S/N: Y5022262

Any help would be awesome. Thanks!

EDIT: Nevermind. I'm an idiot and didn't read the "READ ME FIRST" on the 986 main forum page. My model isn't unlockable by serial number, according to the FAQ. My apologies.

Edited by RobR
  • Admin

Hi, Loren, I've got a locked radio in my 2000 S (if you read my last post, you know why already!).


Type: 4667

S/N: Y5022262

Any help would be awesome. Thanks!

EDIT: Nevermind. I'm an idiot and didn't read the "READ ME FIRST" on the 986 main forum page. My model isn't unlockable by serial number, according to the FAQ. My apologies.

A CDR-32 will not likely work at all in a pre-2003 model year car.


Oh, it works alright. I discovered the code under the mat under the front hood. It was in there with the number for Porsche Assistance on a lovely plastic card.

That particular unit might not have been in the car when it was made, but it most definitely works. Now that I've unlocked it, it works beautifully! :)

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