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Please help, I'm new to this site, and lost here on this forum! Is this the correct way to post a question?!?

Mine is a Porsche Boxster, CV, 2002, 5-speed, and I recently replaced the battery. I also need my code to the stereo, but had no luck getting it from the dealer, as I was told I need to bring my car in person. I live too far away and wonder if someone can help me get my stereo code?

CDR 220


Stereo serial number: 250 14597.

Is there any thing else I need to provide to enable me to find my code?

Thank you,


Try 9608 or 9606 If you have not already read this FAQ - please do so... Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST

Thank you for your quick reply, Loren. I tried the first stereo code you gave me: 9608, but I got the word to "WAIT". So then I turned the stereo off and on again, and turned the car ignition off and on multiple times, but I still have the stereo "WAIT" message showing. What do I do now?

DO you also need this info:

Becker 1 Serial # 250 14597, TYPE: 4462, 24/99 ?

Thank you for your time.


Did you read the FAQ? I think not...


Thank you for your assistance. I tried both codes 9608 & 9606 (just as I was instructed in the link you provided), but neither of those codes worked for my stereo.

Do you have any more suggestions for other numbers that I may try? Thanks again for all your help...


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Please help, I'm new to this site, and lost here on this forum! Is this the correct way to post a question?!?

Mine is a Porsche Boxster, CV, 2002, 5-speed, and I recently replaced the battery. I also need my code to the stereo, but had no luck getting it from the dealer, as I was told I need to bring my car in person. I live too far away and wonder if someone can help me get my stereo code?

CDR 220


Stereo serial number: 250 14597.

Is there any thing else I need to provide to enable me to find my code?

Thank you,


Try 9608 or 9606 If you have not already read this FAQ - please do so... Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST

Thank you for your quick reply, Loren. I tried the first stereo code you gave me: 9608, but I got the word to "WAIT". So then I turned the stereo off and on again, and turned the car ignition off and on multiple times, but I still have the stereo "WAIT" message showing. What do I do now?

DO you also need this info:

Becker 1 Serial # 250 14597, TYPE: 4462, 24/99 ?

Thank you for your time.


Did you read the FAQ? I think not...


Thank you for your assistance. I tried both codes 9608 & 9606 (just as I was instructed in the link you provided), but neither of those codes worked for my stereo.

Do you have any more suggestions for other numbers that I may try? Thanks again for all your help...


There are suggestions in the FAQ.

I have a CDR-220 CD in my Boxster. I can't find my radio card after changing the battery this time. It's a Model BE-4462 S/N X5037819. Please send me the code for this S/N? Thanks!



Hey. I have been reviewing the posts on retrieving becker stereo codes and have learned a lot! Would love it if someone could assist me in finding my code. Here is the info...

Becker 1 cr 220

Type 4362

Seri: W5002925 31/98

1999 carrera

Thank you! M


Hey. I have been reviewing the posts on retrieving becker stereo codes and have learned a lot! Would love it if someone could assist me in finding my code. Here is the info...

Becker 1 cr 220

Type 4362

Seri: W5002925 31/98

1999 carrera

Thank you! M

Try 0845



If you have not already read this FAQ - please do so...


thank you. No luck. I also tried 0841.



Thank you for the quick response. Waited out my hour but no joy neither works. I iwll try rolling off by 2 as you suggest and Monday I'll try going to Porsche:(


I have a CDR-220 CD in my Boxster. I can't find my radio card after changing the battery this time. It's a Model BE-4462 S/N X5037819. Please send me the code for this S/N? Thanks!


Thanks for the numbers. Neither worked, nor the two either side of them. I guess the dealer is my next stop. Thanks for this forum, great info for a great community.



Hey. I have been reviewing the posts on retrieving becker stereo codes and have learned a lot! Would love it if someone could assist me in finding my code. Here is the info...

Becker 1 cr 220

Type 4362

Seri: W5002925 31/98

1999 carrera

Thank you! M

Try 0845



If you have not already read this FAQ - please do so...


thank you. No luck. I also tried 0841.


Thank you very much! I tried 0847 and its a winner! (;


Please help, I'm new to this site, and lost here on this forum! Is this the correct way to post a question?!?

Mine is a Porsche Boxster, CV, 2002, 5-speed, and I recently replaced the battery. I also need my code to the stereo, but had no luck getting it from the dealer, as I was told I need to bring my car in person. I live too far away and wonder if someone can help me get my stereo code?

CDR 220


Stereo serial number: 250 14597.

Is there any thing else I need to provide to enable me to find my code?

Thank you,


Try 9608 or 9606 If you have not already read this FAQ - please do so... Lost Radio Code - FAQ, PLEASE READ THIS FIRST

Hi Loren,

Niether 9608 or 9606 worked, so I tried 9604... again no luck.

But then I tried 9610, and it worked. Thank you very, very much,

your advice saved me a long road trip to the dealer!!




Ello everyone,

i had to change my battery on my boxster 2000 and i cant find my radio code can u pls help.


S/N# Y5039830

type 4462




Changed the spark plugs on my car and now I have to enter code for radio after disconnecting battery...

It's a 1999 996 with a CR-220







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