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Posted (edited)

Dead battery car ligher thing doesn't work. I don't know which fuse does release in 99. I can't find the emergency hood cable. I saw from the pic that it is a metallic cable. I moved the wheel all the way over. I can't remove wheel b/c car is lowered. Do I need to take out black wheel well cover?? How do I remove those little button type holder without breaking them. I am frustrated someone help. Remember 99 996 Carrera.....

One more thing how are you supposed to get to the cable behind the headlight if you can't take out the headlight without the hood being open??

Edited by turbodrive
Dead battery car ligher thing doesn't work. I don't know which fuse does release in 99. I can't find the emergency hood cable. I saw from the pic that it is a metallic cable. I moved the wheel all the way over. I can't remove wheel b/c car is lowered. Do I need to take out black wheel well cover?? How do I remove those little button type holder without breaking them. I am frustrated someone help. Remember 99 996 Carrera.....

One more thing how are you supposed to get to the cable behind the headlight if you can't take out the headlight without the hood being open??

You can fish for the engine cover release cable behind the drivers side (LH) tail light assembly (get a thin hook under the bottom rear lens where it blends with the top of the rear facia - be careful to coat it with some tape to prevent scratches). Once you are in, you can connect a charger/jumper to the positive post near the top of the intake manifold, and earth the other at the air filter box mount bolt..............


To open the front hood, I located the emergency release up in the front bumper openings on the passenger side. Small gauge cable with a loop. It may be concealed behind a flexible shroud.


I pulled the seat heat fuse, jumpered/bridged in a 12 volt battery charger, turned the ignition key on and released the bonnet/hood.

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