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any recommendations for a spoiler for my 996 4s? could the TT spoiler be put on my car? thanks!

here's a pic of my car


Misha GT2 Style wing is great...that's the one I chose

how easy is the GT2 Style Wing to install? Is it something I can do myself in a few hours or do I need the dealer to intsall it?

Also, do I need an additional front spoiler for balance out the additional downforce? Are there any drawbacks of having the large rear spoiler? Thanks!

And how much did you guys pay for the wing?

Posted (edited)

I recently install my GT3 wing on my Targa which took only one hour max to remove the intergrated spoiler and mount the new wing - looks awesome :drive:


Edited by RJMDAD996
Posted (edited)

The misha GT2 style spoiler is an aftermarket street spoiler that replaces the stock retractable unit, preserving your decklid, etc. I had it on my C4S for about 8 months, ended up selling it. It is a large wing that needs a front splitter to balance it at speed as it will become quite unstable without it at the track, ask me how I know. The TT lip will correct this problem on your car.

Keep in mind that it is an aftermarket copy of an oem spoiler, and a very high quality one at that. However, it has a different angle than the GT2 and sits lower, not sure how significant that is if you never track your car. In the end I got rid of it bc it seemed too big for me, felt like a GT2 poser at times, that and the aerodynamic issues at the track. The wing cost me about 2500 all in all. You can get a oem aerokit for around 4k now, that's what I will do next as I become more of a track junky, nothing like factory RD behind you at 145mph at Watkins Glen. Misha is a great guy with a great product for a street car, just be sure it's what you want. If you do a search here and on 6 speed/rennlist, you'll find some of my pics and reviews of the wing on a C4S. :drive:

Edited by C4S Surgeon

Adding a "Gurney Flap" to pre-existing wings helps a bit at track events. That's why they're "outlawed" in "cup" class cars!-Mark :drive:

  • 1 month later...

I understand that we can't put a TT spoiler on a C4S, but why?

In theory, we should be able to just change the trunklid and hook up a couple of wires. The C4S and the TT have the same body, right?

Someone enlighten me here.

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know about the turbo to C4S. I have an aftermarket Turbo decklid at home, and all measurements seem identical to my 996 C2 coupe's except it is approximately 2" longer... the rear of the decklid is 2" longer than my decklid. I don't know if this makes sense.

I can take better measurements if you wish.

I don't know about the turbo to C4S. I have an aftermarket Turbo decklid at home, and all measurements seem identical to my 996 C2 coupe's except it is approximately 2" longer... the rear of the decklid is 2" longer than my decklid. I don't know if this makes sense.

I can take better measurements if you wish.

This fits with what Loren said. The turbo does not have the Rear Brake Light indentation on the rear upper boby panel. Its built into the wing or decklid, right? So the decklid is longer/taller/ than the C4/C4S decklid.

Is that what you meant Loren?

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