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My aircon has been making odd noises from the expansion valve lately which I assumed was a loss of refrigerant. When it was checked it was indeed low, I'd hoped it was just that a top up was required however over the next 8 weeks it lost most of it's charge.

By using die and UV lamp I did eventually track the leak down, in my case the drivers side condenser. When I was looking for the leak I spoke to my local Porsche dealer, they pretty much assured me it would be a condenser that had rotted through due to the build up of leaves etc. I keep my car immaculate and thought that this was impossible.

When I got in there I was amazed at the amount of damp leaves that had become a compressed mulch against the end of the condenser. This had caused the condenser to rust and fail.

I'll certainly be adding cleaning of this area to my maintenance schedule and I suggest everyone does to avoid premature failure of expensive bits!

Sorry if it sounds preachy :-)


Preachy? No - not to me anyway.

So now I have another entry for my list of things to worry about! :jump: Where are the condensers exactly?




I wonder if there is such a thing as a hypo car driac?

The condensors sit in front of the radiators, I think you can get your hand through the openings in the front PU, although it may need a small child or trained monkey if you've got big hands.

I wonder if there is such a thing as a hypo car driac?

The condensors sit in front of the radiators, I think you can get your hand through the openings in the front PU, although it may need a small child or trained monkey if you've got big hands.

If there is such a thing - I'm one!

Thanks for the info, it's something I'll bear in mind for the fall. We have a 100+ year old oak in the back yard that easily reaches over the house and fills the front driveway! My old Mustang ended up with lots trapped behind the front fenders. A rotten condenser sounds like a bad start to the fall.

I'll certainly be adding cleaning of this area to my maintenance schedule and I suggest everyone does to avoid premature failure of expensive bits!

A handy tip for cleaning - Utilise a vacuum cleaner with a hose/nozzle small enough to fit within your bumper openings. It may be a little tricky on a Turbo bumper but on my C2 Aerokit Cup II, GT3 style bumper it is very easy.

I use this method to quickly clean any leaves and other debris from the front of the radiators every time before I wash my car. If you use the appropriate nozzle for your shop vac it easily gets all the debris out in about 1 or 2 seconds.... :D


I took a look at this while my car was up on the lift Saturday. OMG! It was *disgusting*. The previous owner had clearly never even bothered to look. I can't believe that I had a/c working still. Cleaned it out and found that the a/c worked much better and the coolant temps were down too! Next time the bumper cover comes off its gonna get a *real* cleaning. Thanks for the heads up!

I took a look at this while my car was up on the lift Saturday.  OMG!  It was *disgusting*.  The previous owner had clearly never even bothered to look.  I can't believe that I had a/c working still.  Cleaned it out and found that the a/c worked much better and the coolant temps were down too!  Next time the bumper cover comes off its gonna get a *real* cleaning.  Thanks for the heads up!

Mine was the same, I was able to get an long extention nozzle on the vacuum cleaner to get the visible stuff out but I am not confident that the condenser is clear all the way through. The mix had set pretty hard.

Anyone know how difficult it is to get the plastic panels off under the bumper, it looks like you could get access that way without the need to remove the whole bumper. Mine is a 99C2


To be certain everything was clean i'd whip off the bumper cover, if it was pretty bad where you could reach it's likely that the worst of it is still there. The bumper cover comes off very easilly, I was amazed quite how easilly! I'm sure someone with the shop manuals can post the destructions

I wonder if there is such a thing as a hypo car driac?

The condensors sit in front of the radiators, I think you can get your hand through the openings in the front PU, although it may need a small child or trained monkey if you've got big hands.

monkey on backorder

  • Admin
Bumper removal is very easy and is covered here in the 3rd radiator DIY. You can find it here.

Thanks Loren

Can the three plastic rivets that hold the wheel well liner be re used

Yes, I have many times. Just be patient when you remove them and don't tear them up. I keep a few spares just in case though.
I wonder if there is such a thing as a hypo car driac?

The condensors sit in front of the radiators, I think you can get your hand through the openings in the front PU, although it may need a small child or trained monkey if you've got big hands.

monkey on backorder

The TSB indicates that Monkey v.4.2 has been replaced and superseded by Monkey v.4.4x but only for VIN ranges over 23242. :D

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