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Hi all,

As I lurk all the time, I thought I'd post what I have going on for the benefit of anyone that can use it.  Lately I've been having the dreaded intermittent cranks but won't start situation.  It seems to occur mostly when the engine is warm.  If left for an hour it starts up.  It happens twice in a day, or not for 3 weeks, totally random.  The car runs fine when its running.  It's only stalled once while running.  I was idling in the parking lot.  Just as I noticed rpms swinging between about 780 and 730ishm dead.  Started an hour later.


I tried a fully charged, brand new battery one time during the no start condition and it did not help

New fuel relay, no help.

A DME Relay is on the way.  I won't install it for a while to verify if it was the Crankshaft Position Sensor.

Today I changed out the Crankshaft Position Sensor.  The old one was covered in gunk and the magnetic tip was black.  The new one, nice and shiny magnet there.  So far so good, I'll update in a week or two.


The CPS is indeed a pretty easy job, anyone can do.  Just don't drop the screw in there anywhere!  I stuck some chewing gum in it, smushed it onto the allen socket and gently got it started.  Removing it, was the same.  Slow and gentle.  I used an allen socket and 1 long and one 6 inch extension put together.  Reaches in no problem.

I've attached a couple of pictures to help locate it.  Looking from the drivers side through the wheel well you can see it as shown by the red arrow picture.  Thats just the hole after its been removed.  I forgot to get a shot of it in there20160916_121856-1.jpg  The Yellow arrow picture shows its appearance if you were to slide under the car from behind, head first and just to the inside of the drivers side wheel well.  I've outlined the wire and labeled the CPS B (from the red picture)  and the plug end "A".  The plug has a little lever tab on top that you can't see,  Feel for it and push it down to disengage the plug.  You can totally get at it if you contort properly, no big deal.  That black plug to the left of it is something else and it made life easier to pull it out of its clip.  Pretty sure it just pulled straight out.


Anyway, for what its worth.  Fingers crossed its the CPS or the DME Relay next.  If not, I'm headed towards fuel pump I suppose....


-= Jazz



Hi all quick update, so far so good!


Could someone move this to 996?  I posted in this area in error.  Thank you!



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