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Hi All,

I recently purchased a 2008 base V6 with 97k (but a replacement transmission as of 30k miles ago). I am very happy with the car, and I am also happy to get back to working on our vehicles as a hobby, after many years away.

I have already replaced the rotors/pads for the front brakes, and the job was straightforward and went flawlessly, even if it took me longer than it might have, due to my getting acquainted with this vehicle. That may have made me too cocky, as I am now struggling with my next "job", replacing the front lower control arms...

I have read everything I can on this site and from other sources, and cannot quite figure out how I am making this so difficult. I started with the passenger side, in order to learn the best way to do this, and I am stopped in my tracks as I try to put the new arm in. The old one came out easily.

The situation is:

Vehicle raised on that side and on stands

Eccentric bolts positions were marked before removal

Old control arm out

New control arm ball joint will not go into its "socket"...

I have tried to get the ball joint into its rightful resting place, but I cannot get it seated enough to hand-tighten the nut onto the stud. The new ball joint is quite stiff, and I cannot move it by hand, so when I attempt to get the arm in position in order to seat the ball joint, the stud sticks into the hole at an angle and goes no further, no matter how many different things I have tried. A partial list includes

Tapping the stud into different angles in order to be better positioned to slide into the hole when the arm is raised.

Raising the arm at various point to better position same as above

Raising the hub/disc in order to create more space to swing the arm into position

And many other fruitless efforts...

Is there a trick to getting the arm into the correct position? I have even started to take the tie rod end off in an attempt to gain more "wiggle room". Is this a good idea/recommended? I am concerned that the tie rod removal tool will shred the rubber boot...

Any help will be greatly appreciated!




Tie rod is now separated, but stud of new ball,joint is so stiff that it will not slide into position. Any hints out there?


Quick question... where do you guys buy parts? Pelican? Gaudin? Others? I read a post elsewhere about a person with a similar struggle to mine (ball joint stud not seating in its hole), and in his case the stud was too long -- 1mm or so. In his case (and maybe mine), that is just long enough to not quite make it through e hole as the arm is tilted and the ball joint pushed into its socket....


Okay, I am returning the aftermarket lower control arm, and now searching for the best option to put in, considering that money is actually an object here...


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