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Our 2011 Cayenne has recently displayed its dash warning symbols for the subject systems.  However, all systems seem to be working properly.  That is, the parking brake sets normally, the brakes work fine, and the driving/handling is still exceptional. 


What has actually ceased functioning is the cruse control, and there was no notice of its failure to operate properly.  I suspect there is a reset function somewhere but a stop at closest Porsche dealer (90 miles round trip) proved a bad idea.  The service rep took to Cayenne into the shop, monitored the systems, came back and described how it would cost me $197 to run a diagnostic on the system. 


Not being from this new world of making a buck before performing a service was an adventure I was unwilling to take.  This is our Cayenne, no longer the dealers as the warranty plan ended last January. 


Some things are simple, some are hard.  How hard can it be to press a reset button or change our a sensor?  If no reset button, well, what is the world of Porsche coming to?  As there is obviously something amis, I prefer to be the one making things all better. 


If this is truly a technical support forum, please, someone of substance, show me your grit. 

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Our 2011 Cayenne has recently displayed its dash warning symbols for the subject systems.  However, all systems seem to be working properly.  That is, the parking brake sets normally, the brakes work fine, and the driving/handling is still exceptional. 


What has actually ceased functioning is the cruse control, and there was no notice of its failure to operate properly.  I suspect there is a reset function somewhere but a stop at closest Porsche dealer (90 miles round trip) proved a bad idea.  The service rep took to Cayenne into the shop, monitored the systems, came back and described how it would cost me $197 to run a diagnostic on the system. 


Not being from this new world of making a buck before performing a service was an adventure I was unwilling to take.  This is our Cayenne, no longer the dealers as the warranty plan ended last January. 


Some things are simple, some are hard.  How hard can it be to press a reset button or change our a sensor?  If no reset button, well, what is the world of Porsche coming to?  As there is obviously something amis, I prefer to be the one making things all better. 


If this is truly a technical support forum, please, someone of substance, show me your grit. 


Sorry, but there is not magical "reset" button on the vehicle, you need a Porsche specific scan tool (PIWIS, Durametric) to analyze and reset certain error codes like PSM or ABS on these cars.  Most newer cars are this way, requiring a specialized tool to reset certain "restricted" code areas.


That said, sudden multiple MIL lights are often the sign of an electrical issue, usually low voltage.  I would have the battery and charging system load tested by any credible shop to make sure both the battery and alternator are working correctly.



Our 2011 Cayenne has recently displayed its dash warning symbols for the subject systems.  However, all systems seem to be working properly.  That is, the parking brake sets normally, the brakes work fine, and the driving/handling is still exceptional. 


What has actually ceased functioning is the cruse control, and there was no notice of its failure to operate properly.  I suspect there is a reset function somewhere but a stop at closest Porsche dealer (90 miles round trip) proved a bad idea.  The service rep took to Cayenne into the shop, monitored the systems, came back and described how it would cost me $197 to run a diagnostic on the system. 


Not being from this new world of making a buck before performing a service was an adventure I was unwilling to take.  This is our Cayenne, no longer the dealers as the warranty plan ended last January. 


Some things are simple, some are hard.  How hard can it be to press a reset button or change our a sensor?  If no reset button, well, what is the world of Porsche coming to?  As there is obviously something amis, I prefer to be the one making things all better. 


If this is truly a technical support forum, please, someone of substance, show me your grit. 


Sorry, but there is not magical "reset" button on the vehicle, you need a Porsche specific scan tool (PIWIS, Durametric) to analyze and reset certain error codes like PSM or ABS on these cars.  Most newer cars are this way, requiring a specialized tool to reset certain "restricted" code areas.


That said, sudden multiple MIL lights are often the sign of an electrical issue, usually low voltage.  I would have the battery and charging system load tested by any credible shop to make sure both the battery and alternator are working correctly.


Interesting take on the possible source of these allerts.  I also appreciate your references to diagnostic equipment that may be of some assistance.  For those who would prefer to engage some hands on learning, its always best to begin with reading the manuals, if there were only factory or service manuals to read. 


As always, pulling together in the same direction usually proves useful in weeding out the gremlins that have a way of interupting and changing the course of ones preferred chores for the day. 


Soooooo, you find time to engage the faithful with your insight, must be a daunting task.  Have a good one. 

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